.450/400 Nitro Ex
I don't really oppose Trump. I dearly wish he was not running because I'm pretty sure he's going to fuck this reelection up good and proper. He is utterly, systemically incapable of appealing to anybody but his base. His twitter feed is a catastrophe, has been for years. I will never vote for a democrat because they clearly hate the country.And yet - correct me if I am wrong - you oppose President Trump.
Please inform us of your solution to preserve America that does not involve re-electing Trump.
I generally like Trump's policy but his execution is terrible, he's an awful leader in a great many ways. I wish he had stepped aside and tried to get pence to run or something. The hatred for Trump runs very, very deep in a lot of circles and it's most likely going to cost him the election.
He may still win, but even still the left hates him so much they are acting like rabid dogs s over it and that's never going to stop.