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  1. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    First few tomatoes looking nicesugar babies and melons are a little disappointing size isn’t great at all 9 bins so far picking every other day this is the second planting of zucchini. First one gave me 915 cases in just over 4 weeks once this planting started kicking off I nixed the first and...
  2. phatfarmerbob

    Trump's tax returns can be released to Congress, Justice Department says

    Exactly. Politicians should be private citizens tho.. that was the whole point.. serve then go back to private life. It’s not supposed to be a FUCKING CAREER!!! ( sorry mods) this drives me crazy. It would be so much better if the average douch could be the guy. For 4-8 years just to shake...
  3. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Supposedly garlic stops growing after the solstice. That said rule of thumb is when the plant is 60% brown and died back. If you wait too long the cloves start to separate and the bulb “opens up” this is not desirable from a selling standpoint. Only reason I’m starting now is that I needed...
  4. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Speaking of garlic First load is in
  5. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Corn has tassel
  6. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Second batch of berries for the freeze dryer
  7. phatfarmerbob

    I need a crossbow. I know near nothing of them.

    I coulda sworn some company made a crossbow upper that you could swap out like any upper...
  8. phatfarmerbob

    Good pocket flashlight
  9. phatfarmerbob

    NON DESCRIPTIVE THREAD (edited thread titles or deletes based on titles)

    My “ Biden found unresponsive” thread got deleted. It’s April fools till midnight, I posted it late cause that’s when everyone lets their guard down.. it wouldn’t be believable if it was in the clubhouse... wish y’all had left it till midnight.. anywho first time I disagree with admin after what...
  10. phatfarmerbob

    Economics of home freeze drying. My very limited experience

    It’s not like the moneys worth anything sitting in the bank.. interest isn’t even covering inflation :idk::idk::idk::idk::idk::idk:
  11. phatfarmerbob

    Home Generators

    @TEOTWAWKI inc. Haha yup when I got it home the battery was dead. I actually replaced it and hooked it up to a trickle solar charger. it’s a WANCO with a 3 cly diesel kubota. 72 hours on a tank it had 2100 hours on it and I researched the engines seem like their usually good to 10k hrs paid...
  12. phatfarmerbob

    Home Generators

    Picked up this “portable generator “ a couple years ago.. works a charm!
  13. phatfarmerbob

    Fingerprints for Lic. Renewal

    State police barracks I did it a couple years ago
  14. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    This is in a greenhouse tho and it runs about 75° with full sun ect ect so I would think if your trying to start them in a basement or window it will take longer.
  15. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    We grow cabbot and allstar we don’t grow very many strawberries only a couple thousand plants ( which is only a few cases of plants) we used to do a huge pick your own strawberry business, but about 10 years ago it died off to almost nothing because we didn’t do all the other activities for...
  16. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Nourse is where we buy our strawberry plants. You need to order in October or November to get selection and they ship when you want them (April)
  17. phatfarmerbob

    Safe Storage Precautions / Requirements

    Hahaha my kinda guy! Seems like whenever someone with “authority” shows up they find a way to break balls. I will say that a couple years ago we were on vacation and we had a girl staying at the house. One day she calls us up and says the troopers were at our house looking for our son. He was...
  18. phatfarmerbob

    Cash on hand. What is needed?

    Usually some on me, some in carry on, never in checked baggage. if we do excursions it’s in my pack that I always carry. If we’re doing a pool or beach day it’s locked in the safe in the room with passports.( Generally) not always sometimes it stays in the room if for example we’re going...
  19. phatfarmerbob

    Cash on hand. What is needed?

    So for example, when we travel I like to bring enough to maybe get home.. in the us it’s about 1500 if I’m going more than 500 miles. When we go to Mexico or Caribbean it’s about 2500 ( think chartering a small plane or boat) wife and I went to Iceland and brought 1500 each. Thinking it would...
  20. phatfarmerbob

    Who Needs a Fur Hat

    I’ve been making fur hats out of last years trapping catches... it’s not as easy as one would think.
  21. phatfarmerbob

    Running a little experiment on GunBroker auction

    Just told the wife about this thread... was told that I ain’t selling shit .... ahhah
  22. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    You got them on a heat mat? @ManrisFrack
  23. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    Here they are in may 15
  24. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    This is April 20, 2020
  25. phatfarmerbob

    2021 Gardening Thread

    I don’t start anything till the first week in April, I want my transplants ready to go in the ground may15
  26. phatfarmerbob

    You Have Less Than a Year

    Pretty sure big Ron told Biden to go f himself and hung up on him.
  27. phatfarmerbob

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Just search 2021 summer re education camp on Amazon it was 20$
  28. phatfarmerbob

    Economics of home freeze drying. My very limited experience

    Ok so the raw meat and eggs ect, does freeze drying kill harmful bacteria? Could you conceivably eat it raw since it was freeze dried? If not what’s the advantage to not cooking beforehand?
  29. phatfarmerbob

    Vinyl laminate flooring project

    My parents house circa 1900 had Doug fir flooring (probably old growth) covered with 70s vinyl, we tore that up and refinished the Doug fir it looks awesome next time I get a chance I’ll grab a pic
  30. phatfarmerbob

    Economics of home freeze drying. My very limited experience

    So I was watching a YouTube on this tonight and the wife sat down and was like “order one now! I want one!” Thanks man lol I told her she needs to watch 20 videos first then we can get one if she still wants it lol
  31. phatfarmerbob

    House Bill H.R. 127 2021 Gun Control (Multi-Merged threads)

    And somehow that’s the fault of all gun owners...
  32. phatfarmerbob

    The odds of a 2nd Amendment repeal attempt now that the country is dead

    Even nutnfancy is saying now, that their gonna confiscate.
  33. phatfarmerbob

    The wealthy are dumping money.

    I think the mentality is to have the gold and silver for after reconstruction... the lead and food is to keep you alive to use the gold and silver... might be wrong
  34. phatfarmerbob

    The wealthy are dumping money.

    Yea we have been hunting land in northern Delaware county1-2 hundred acres have a couple ideas to draw some income nothing illegal but not something I’m gonna put on a public forum cause I don’t want anyone to steal my idea. Pa would be more ideal but it’s a difference of 1.5-3k more per...
  35. phatfarmerbob

    The wealthy are dumping money.

    Ok so what do we buy to save our money from being worthless?
  36. phatfarmerbob

    Biden to Use Executive Orders in gun control

    Pretty sure the kids not gonna go to college what we’ve been seeing of the kids who graduated lately with a degree is scary to say the least
  37. phatfarmerbob

    NY 2022 Governor Race

    this is the truth! Regardless of who wins its imperative that faith be restored in the process
  38. phatfarmerbob

    2020-21 Hunting Season

    Probably a good thing you couldn’t track them... in hindsight. Amirite?
  39. phatfarmerbob

    VT schools will grill students on their thanksgiving celebrations.

    Great opportunity to start teaching the kids how to tell those in power what they want to hear, while doing whatever the hell they feel like. Kinda like when the pediatrician tries asking them if there’s guns in the house.
  40. phatfarmerbob

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    He would put his feat on the couch with shoes on...