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  1. Far king

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Yes it’s amazing isn’t it? It’s the last thing I would have expected after a Trump win but it just goes to show just how important a monumental ass kicking and rejection of the dispicable left’s agenda along with the four years of devistation to the economy, the border, and all things truly...
  2. Far king

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Wow that’s creepy! It makes him look like some kind of a spook or something.
  3. Far king

    Advice on revolver reload technique

    Watch Massod Ayoob’s video on the stress fire reload and Paul Harrell’s video on the revolver reload. I have tried to master loading a revolver while keeping it in my strong hand and reloading with my weak hand and it does not seem natural and is too awkward for my liking. l keep one speed...
  4. Far king

    JD Vance - Tim Walz, debate

    USMC v.s. Stolen valor 21:00
  5. Far king

    Trilateral Commission - (Clips) from Barney Miller - Se7 Ep8 (1981)

    One of the finest comedy shows of the seventies! My dad a I enjoyed this show together. Many fond memories of a better time in my opinion.
  6. Far king

    Monroe county claims 2nd amendment doesn't apply to private citizens

    So what are they going to do? Arrest anyone in possession of a firearm and prosecute them?
  7. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    How how about when when she said that people left his rallies early because they were bored he really swallowed that hook and lost his composure. Her coaches did their jobs well unfortunately for us. I wonder if he is catching some of what Biden has got?
  8. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    I’m watching the postmortem on Fox News. Normally I would switch over to CNN or MSNBC and check out their spin on it. I did so for the Trump Biden debate No fucking way I’ll turn the channel to those assholes now and listen to them gloat for fear that my fucking head will explode!
  9. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    The bitch came in with very low expectations. It was Trump's to lose and he lost it. It is the undecided, low information voters that he had to impress. Instead I think he turned them off so tonight was a net loss for him.
  10. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    Well, let’s just see if she comes out In public anymore, maybe she is emboldened and will speak in public and continue with her word, salads and stupid poems
  11. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    The life of this great country is fading fast. Trump,our only chance did not bring his A game tonight. He did have a strong finish though.
  12. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    A double barrel dildo!
  13. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    I’m pretty sure cameltoe was given the questions from ABC . l sincerely hope that this so called debate will be ignored or forgotten but l think that is wishful thinking on my part.
  14. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    He has to stop circling back to immigration. At this point it only makes him look stupid.
  15. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    Will they ask the cunt about the surrender to the talliban in Afghanistan?
  16. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    The fucking moderators are fact checking Trump!
  17. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    Their plan to unhinge him is working . Now he sounds like a broken record and he is on defense.
  18. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    He better salvage this soon or he WILL LOOSE THE FUCKING ELECTION!!!!!
  19. Far king

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    He’s fucking this up and making her look good
  20. Far king

    Raphael Warnock Signals Support for Push for Harris Passing Mandatory Gun Confiscation

    The sheriff in my county and the chief of police in the closest city to me had made it known that they would not be enforcing “ safe act “ laws nor whorculs ccia crapola. Kinda doubt they’d be ordering their officers and deputies to confiscate firearms anytime soon.
  21. Far king

    Pistol permit for reloading?

    I don’t blame him one bit but I would have insisted that the turd show me in writing where that is stated in their store policy.
  22. Far king

    Trump Wants To Let a LOT of Foreigners into the US "Legally"

    THEN FUCKING VOTE FOR KAMALA ! He was building the wall He was building a pipeline He did have the border under control He had his re election stolen from him and all that was reversed.
  23. Far king

    Trump Wants To Let a LOT of Foreigners into the US "Legally"

    The stakes are far too high to have Trump loose this election. The country is sinking fast into the communist abis which will only be hastened by a democrat win . The liberties we are enjoying now can easily be erased as is the current trend in Europe, think free speech and gun rights! Radical...
  24. Far king

    Covid has taken the lives of 220 million Americans in the last several months!

    So what is she worried about? All those Covid deaths she speaks of will still be voting for her.
  25. Far king

    Pistol permit for reloading?

    My son has not put one foot in a Walmart since they announced that they were not selling pistol or 556/223 etc ammo. A true man of principle.
  26. Far king

    Lead Ammo Again

    They stopped using lead wheel weights in this state in 2011. Lead wheel weights are or were in our case, a very good alloy for bullet casting as long as you avoided smelting those containing zinc. Steel weights float to the surface in molten lead along with the steel clips. When they were...
  27. Far king

    All Things DNC

    They could not give her any more time than that or they would run the risk of her talking off the prompter .
  28. Far king

    All Things DNC

    Will they be accepting goats from the protesters outside the convention?
  29. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    O No Darth l was responding to zerex don’t know how that happened.
  30. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    Wrong the extracted holds it in . And you must crimp the bullet !
  31. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    Yes they were high primers as I said and they functioned fine in my 1911s.
  32. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    No I don’t have any data on that other than the fact that it is obvious the mass of a hammer being propelled by a large leaf spring is much more powerful than a tiny coil spring used in a striker fired weapon.
  33. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    Have you been able to crimp those reloads of yours? Since you are using a single stage press it is easier to play around with adjusting the dies than a progressive machine with everything sorta crammed together. Back in 85 I bought my 1st colt government model , an RCBS single stage press, and...
  34. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    Went down to my loading room and checked one of my seat/ crimp dies to make sure I didn’t miss anything and yes , how l described it is correct. Screw that die down and go ahead and screw the seater pug out completely so there is no way you can seat the bullet deeper then screw the die down...
  35. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    The seating die is also a crimping die . The amount of crimp is determined by how much the die body is screwed down. Back off the bullet seater and screw the die down a little at a time until you achieve the crimp you want . You don’t want to be so tight that it deforms the projectile but enough...
  36. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    While it’s not necessary to crimp most rifle rounds it is imperative to crimp pretty much all pistol rounds. Whoever told you it’s not is full of shit! you don’t want that bullet to be pushed back into the case when it slams into the feed ramp which will increase the chamber pressure. Factory...
  37. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    Nice setup you have. Did not realize you weren’t new to reloading as I was pecking out my reply as you posted the pictures .
  38. Far king

    First batch of 45 ACP

    You don’t need a case gauge. Just remove the barrel and drop the loaded round in the chamber. It should fit freely, compare it with how a factory round fits and if it’s the same you’re golden. Overall length and lack of sufficient bullet crimp are your issues here. Oh btw make sure your primers...
  39. Far king

    RFK Jr Disqualified From New York Ballot

    If this state has it in for you, you’re screwed. Forget what the law says because the people in charge here are corrupt to the core. They are ruthless and deceitful and sociopathic. Donald Trump has been targeted for destruction ( unsuccessfully) and now they are stopping RFK to eliminate a...
  40. Far king

    Tulsi Gabbard put on terrorist watch list ??

    Respectfully disagree she switched to our side now and she even works for Fox News. after the Democratic primaries in 2020 she came at odds with that party and moved to the right and was ostracized by the left. she basically Became a conservative and some even thought she could be a running mate...
  41. Far king

    Tulsi Gabbard put on terrorist watch list ??

    The reason the left continues to accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy, but never gives one example to back their baseless accusations is that they are guilty of what they accuse Trump of and the MSM is complicit in their campaign to make their lies accepted by the low information voter...
  42. Far king

    State Police arrest Virginia man for illegally possessing multiple firearms

    Was the guy ignorant of the fact that he was working in a police state? WTF! Although I believe he was compliant with the 2nd amendment and what he had was legal in any free state, he had to know he was running a serious risk in this fucking police state. Unfortunately he’s fucked now and those...
  43. Far king

    Tim Walz chosen as Kamala VP

    Cameltoe is no obummer That’s not a problem. The ignorance of the low information voter and the democrat cheating machine is what keeps me up at night.
  44. Far king

    President Trump shot

    I say give him one chance to come clean and if he doesn’t and shows indignation like he did before, Water board the sumbitch.
  45. Far king

    Dutchess County Permit wait time?

    That’s the case in most states in the union. Here they won’t even allow you to handle a fucking handgun without showing your permit at a store ! Down right un American. Now I wonder if you must produce your semi auto rifle permit to handle a 10/22 at a gun store?
  46. Far king

    More Than A Dozen People, Mostly Children, Stabbed By 17-Year-Old Male In U.K., Multiple Fatalities Reported

    The knee jerk reaction in today’s society in response to a heinous and cowardly violent act is to always focus on the weapon. you can bet some kind of edged weapon control will be in the making that will parallel gun control efforts in this country. Something that will do nothing to discourage...
  47. Far king

    Mr potato head (Biden) endorses 18-year supreme court term limits and ethics reform

    The old fart is trying to remain relevant while Kamala is getting all the attention.
  48. Far king

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Wtf is this?
  49. Far king

    President Trump shot

    This whole thing was a shameful security debacle. From the local “Keystone cops” (pun intended) thru to the secret service. Re Tardy Oswald was able to fly a drone 3 hrs before the event, went through security carrying a range finder, walked around all around the f’n place, sat down on a...