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  1. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Actually no, it says Sportsperson. I wonder if we're grandfathered in
  2. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Hey guys, got some good news for you all! Just shy of 3 weeks from receiving it, I got my permit amendment back. 19 days, 21 if you count from the day I mailed it
  3. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    What the fuck, seriously? I have my Sportsman, what will happen when I need to renew? I better be able to keep it or they give me unrestricted
  4. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Update: called to make sure it arrived (I tracked it but wanted to make sure they didn't lose it or anything) and they did and said current turn around is 4-6 weeks. God this county sucks
  5. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Hey guys, Im so sorry I disappeared for a while, and sadly don't remember how long my LCP took. Tomorrow (9/10) I will be mailing in another amendment (Glock 43!) and will let you all know when I get permit comes in!
  6. Checkers

    New pistol shooters wanted, Sun Nov 13, Blue Mtn Sportsman Center

    When I was taking Pistol 102 up at Sig, I figured everyone would be around the same level of experience. One dude was just an awesome shot, very fast, very smooth, etc. I asked him about his shooting background, and he said he was a cop, something else LEO, and now he's a DEA agent. I asked him...
  7. Checkers

    3 gun Oct 23 MSC (ulster county)

    This was a ton of fun, Eddie it was good meeting you yesterday, thanks for everything! That freaking Pig Pen though..... -Chess
  8. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    Since I started carrying, I'll often throw my wallet on the seat next to me, or the center console, because the muzzle of my gun makes it hard to get to my wallet when sitting. Fortunately this time, it was sitting in my cupholder
  9. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    Yeah definitely. He asked where I was coming from, and I told him my friend's house in Fishkill, because we had just finished up a hike.
  10. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    Now I'm terrified he'll be reporting me for carrying out of restriction..... Fuck
  11. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    I wasn't going to mention the gun originally, since we have no duty to inform. However, I didn't want to outright lie though and get him upset. Even if I did nothing wrong, he could still make me get out, breathlyze me, etc and basically just cause me more trouble than it was worth. And if...
  12. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    I had ZERO idea this was a law, thank you. He did straight up ask if there were guns in the car. It seems he tried to bait me with the "were you shooting" hoping I'd say "Yes, I have my gun with me" but failed, so he asked outright He was younger, maybe 30, 35 at most. And I definitely agree...
  13. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    That's what I always thought, but the Trooper really made me second guess myself though He was actually a cool guy. Gave me a ton of other tickets, but very pleasant to deal with I had my ear pro on my passenger seat, and he asked me if I had been shooting. I told him no, but I often make...
  14. Checkers

    Permits cover all counties (Except NYC), correct?

    Hey everyone, So last night I got pulled over for a headlight out. Long story short, when he saw my permit, he said we had a problem, and my heart sank. My license says "State of New York, County of Westchester" and he said that means I'm only allowed to carry in Westchester, and we were in...
  15. Checkers

    .308 Polymer Lower Receivers? (TNarms)

    The $135 OP is talking abou tget's him an AR15 lower, and the AR308 lower, not just the latter So I'm not saying Go Ballistic isn't good, but it's almost twice the price
  16. Checkers

    .308 Polymer Lower Receivers? (TNarms)

    If you want to buy me 5000 rounds of .308 I'll do it :p But I hang out on a lot (And AR15, Firearms, etc) and TNArmsCo is a user there, and everyone who uses his stuff seems to love it. I'm planning on buying one this friday when I get paid, but I have no idea how soon I will...
  17. Checkers

    Ruger LCP II

    I JUST got an LCP custom. Damnit
  18. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Yeah it really surprised me too
  19. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    I picked the kit because the press and powder dispenser come to about $200, or for $230 I can have both of those, 3 bushings, the book, a block, priming tool, etc etc.
  20. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Oh awesome, thanks. It never even crossed my mind I needed a mount..... Wait so does this kit come with one or not? I'm a little confused. But anyways, my 'budget' is really just me being stingy. I don't mind springing for the proper mounting equipment
  21. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Alright, so here's my finished list Hornady Reloading Kit Includes: Press Powder Measure Scale Handbook Die bushings Primer catch Priming system Hand priming tool Chamfering and deburring tool Primer turning plate Case lube Lee 9mm Carbide Dies Hornady Shell Holder Vibratory tumbler How is...
  22. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Alright Jesus, bear with me while I reply to everyone Phazer - I've heard decent things about Berry's, but I do shoot mostly 115gr and $0.07/bullet looks like one of the best prices, thank you! Miles - I have been saving brass, I have probably 750ish rounds of 9mm, and maybe 200 rounds of...
  23. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    I think I will start with 9mm to avoid having to trim cases, plus I shoot a casual IDPA type event every week, so that's probably 500 rounds of 9mm a month right there. I also have a .357 Sig but I'm not sure I want to deal with trying to reload that..... Next will be 5.56, and definitely .308...
  24. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Actually, this kit below is just a little more than buying the press and powder dispenser seperately. It seems like a good idea, even if I don';t use some of it Also guys, thank you SO much for this. I really appreciate...
  25. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Alright, how is this looking? Other than of course brass, bullets, primers, and powder.
  26. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Miles, Wow, I really like how you explained this. Alright, so it sounds like I'm going to go with a progressive. I'm not really in any huge rush, and I have a lot of free time on my hands where I'm just sitting around my house at night. Ok so I think I am going to go with the Lee Challenger...
  27. Checkers

    Training at Sig Sauer Academy

    I know a guy who did something similar. I forget the details, but it was a multi-day, 1 on 1 class. At one point his gun had a serious issue, and their armorer fixed it for free. He said everyday was awesome, but everynight he just collapsed in bed. Ran him something like $4000, but he said it...
  28. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    I have a decent amount of ceiling height, so would you recommend the Lock n Load? I don't mind spending some money on a good set up, but I don't want to drop almost $1000 on something I might not even enjoy. I was hoping to keep startup costs around or below 500
  29. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    I actually figured I'd start without any feeders, so I could treat it like a single stage, and manually load the cases and bullets. This way I'll be more involved and keep an eye on things, rather than just pulling a handle. So I'd basically load one case by hand, go through the stages, load...
  30. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Ok so, in addition to the LnL (Linked below), I would just need a caliper, case trimmer, dies, and a shellplate (Not counting brass, primers, etc), right? Assuming I'm reloading rifle Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive Press
  31. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Any suggestions on a press that can go from Pistol to Rifle? I was thinking of the Lee Loadmaster. Not a bad price, and has 5 die holes for expansion later on Lee Load-Master Progressive Press Kit 9mm Luger
  32. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Oh wow, ok that's way more than I thought. I thought it'd be more like 100 an hour or something. So it seems way more worthwhile now. It's just dauntingly expensive :-\
  33. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Dude, thank you so much for the writeup. Unfortunately I feel I'm even less likely to start reloading now..... Maybe jumping right into rifle is a bad idea, and I should just start reloading 9mm for the time being until I get the hang of things :-\
  34. Checkers

    Time/effort to reload .223/5.56

    Hey everyone, So I've been doing a lot of research on reloading lately, and from what I've seen, rifles seem to take forever. Is it really worth it? I mean, my time isn't super valuable, but compared to pistols it just seems insane 1. Deprime all brass 2. Clean it all 3. Inspect for...
  35. Checkers

    Magnus in Trouble again.

    Nice situational awareness guys
  36. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Lol, over due? How many guns do you have? I thought your permit came through like a month ago
  37. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Ahahahaha, with the cut off document number at the top? I thought that was my Adobe, and just brushed it off. But yeah, that's the one I sent
  38. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    I sent it to the County Clerk on MLK Blvd in White Plains. That's where I went for all my permit stuff
  39. Checkers

    Magnus in Trouble again.

    1. Like carpediem said, electronics, jewelry, cosmetics, and shoes. Any high value items. MAYBE the sporting good section, if they know there are guns there. 2. Anyone who stands between Magnus, Ms. Magnus, or Mini Magnus/Magni gets a bullet. Be careful though, it'll be loud as hell and probably...
  40. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Ahh, I can wait 3 weeks I guess. And I'm glad to hear the LCP is good! I was really hoping for a 938, or a Glock 42/43 but I couldn't pass it up the custom for $225 shipped
  41. Checkers

    Body Armor

    Hey guys, I was hoping we could discuss body armor. Who here are it? What do you use? WHY do you have it? (Not arguing, just curious of others' reasoning). With the state of the country right now, I'm trying to buy all my goodies before they're banned/prices spike/they're bought out. Is body...
  42. Checkers

    Permit Amendments in Westchester

    Hey guys, no thread on this yet. I just mailed out a permit amendment two days ago, and I will report back when it gets back to me. Picked up a Ruger LCP Custom, because all I have is my P320 Full 9mm/Compact .357 Sig Anyone else do this recently? What was the turnaround?
  43. Checkers

    Adding an AR pistol to my permit

    BG, I'm a little confused, I'm sorry. Where does the Sheriff come in? I've always gone through the County Clerk, and even with my permit and first amendment, never had to go through the Sheriff. But I will ask my FFL for a receipt (Like I got for my other pistols) for the AR lower, and simply...
  44. Checkers

    Adding an AR pistol to my permit

    BG, So not only do I have a spare lower, my FFL also has a lower I haven't picked up yet, and friday I will be ordering a few more for planned builds. Even with all these options available, would taking posession, buying an upper, and doing it that way be the best? Or should I just wait until...
  45. Checkers

    Adding an AR pistol to my permit

    Hey guys, I'm just wondering about how to go about adding an AR pistol to my permit. I understand the laws about what it can and can't have, it can't be a rifle turned into a pistol, etc. but I'm not sure about actually adding it. Can I use a lower I have floating around? It's never been built...
  46. Checkers

    Training at Sig Sauer Academy

    Just so you're aware, the pro shop is already marked down 20% because they assume you're a student. So if you're looking at a $40 item, don't think it's going to ring up as $32. Also, you get a coupon code for 20% off your next class if you sign up within 2 weeks of the last one, so the $225...
  47. Checkers

    Training at Sig Sauer Academy

    My first time I stayed in some Motor Lodge for like $50, the second I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express for like $70. It's not free obviously, but it was nice being able to drive up the night before, have some dinner, watch a movie or whatever in the hotel, and get a good night's sleep
  48. Checkers

    Entry level 1911 suggestions

    Rock Island Armory 1911s can be had for about $400, and they're not bad. For a range 1911, you can't go wrong
  49. Checkers

    Picked up a LaserLyte training system

    How do you deal with striker fired guns? Do you have to rack and load it every time?
  50. Checkers

    Half of military recruits have never held a gun

    My Drill Sergeants said the same thing. They didn't want to fix the bad habits instilled by grandpappy out innawoods