In Dutchess County, Graceland Tattoo in Wappingers Falls had a CC welcome sign on their electric panel by the back parking lot. Also, my business Eric Kennett Photograpghy, despite not having a physical office is of course CC friendly.
Guy was a prohibited possessor. Felony conviction in 1995 which was caught in a 2014 background check for a concealed carry permit in. He was supposed to surrender the pistol he owned (which was used in these murders) then, but it was never followed up on by police. So once again, failure of the...
South Carolina prison escapee shot dead by female homeowner, other jail-breaker captured, cops say
Great job by the homeowner and what an awesome Sheriff....
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They just keep showing that clip over and over again where Alexandria ocasio Cortez tries to take the mic from him. Enough already....
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Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah, I put the food in the refrigerator since it wasn’t processed fully. Can I try to pressure can it again even though it’s been in the fridge?
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This is my first year preserving some of the harvest and I took my new pressure cooker for a spin yesterday but I did something wrong.
I got the 20qt. Graniteware. I was doing pasta sauce and sliced beets. Put the jars in the canner and turned on the heat. Once I started getting steam from the...
VERY LITTLE of what we actually do is a life and death emergency. Police go on most of our calls out of their own protocol and if they aren’t there and we need them they get there real quick. We don’t take live firearms, secured or otherwise in the back of an ambulance, period.
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I'm a paramedic and this has come up occasionally throughout the years. First off, concealed carry permit holders are always the most gracious and honest people, so they are forthcoming that they are carrying. We usually just have the local or state PD come out and secure the pistol for the...
So I'm finishing up my Master's degree in public administration with my capstone paper. I had the assignment this week of reviewing another classmate's chapter. This particular person was about how a non-profit agency can expand services offered to illegal unaccompanied minors from Central...
I have the USSG version of that Shotgun and have found it to be anything but reliable. My problems involve in failure to eject fully the spent shell. I've had a few double feeds but not like what you describe. When money allows, it will be replaced with a Mossberg.
I just saw this on the news. It's truly heartbreaking and senseless. A convicted sex offender is prohibited possessor of a firearm, just proving further that gun laws don't work.
You guys must have missed how the woman's boyfriend was arrested for possession of the firearm when he was a convicted felon, hence a prohibited possessor. Need more new laws, methinks....
Why the FUCK my school feels the need to comment their stupid opinion on things like this, I just don't know. If I weren't so close to completing my master's degree I would have half a mind to transfer. This is the e-mail I just got...
I finally convinced my wife that we need to get out of this shithole state and now it's all she talks about. A move to Florida is in our one year plan (we are both in our early 30's so retirement has nothing to do with it). We can sell our house here and using the equity we have in it, buy one...
Quite the interesting thread here... I have my own opinions based on my own line of work and things I have read, but I must say I'm most inclined to agree with SigLady right off the bat. First and foremost, this is a decision of personal choice about what to put in one's own body. In the case of...
So with everyone making a big deal of firearms in checked baggage, what is to prevent someone from driving a van full of explosives directly into a baggage claim area and detonating it? What is to prevent any common criminal from walking into an airport baggage claim area with a legal or illegal...
You know, it's really sad that we have to live our lives this way. Multiple terrorist organizations running unchecked in this country, ISIS and their supporters, BLM, and violent illegals with multiple prior deportations (which is what this is looking like preliminarily). I thought the worst...
Alright guys, looking for recommendations for an on-gun light / laser. This is for an M&P 40c that is a primarily a nightstand gun so I'm not too concerned about holster compatibility or anything like that.
Now imagine Hillary had won and a group of white guys dragged a black guy out of his car and assaulted him while yelling "this is what you get for voting for hillary!" It would international news that consumed the news cycle straight for the next week. Bet this doesn't even make CNN...