Spur grip and Patrick Henry trigger guard is the G.O.A.T in my novice opinion. I've ran my AR quite a bit with it I don't feel that underguned when compared to regular grip. Alexander Arms is selling their 10rd .50 Beowulf mags again, Big Daddy Unlimited has then for 20 bucks.
If I'm allowed to make a recommendation I would say New York legal arms on Facebook has a better option than the thorsden, my personal preference is running a spur grip with a Patrick Henry trigger guard. When I first built my AR I just couldn't stomach the thordsen stock. If you want to get...
I don't even do anything illegal and I still want a no knock proof front door. Shit is scary, the cops have gotten out of control, to think I was a thinblueliner at one time, talk about cringe.
I have a certain amount of respect for people like your neighbor who don't give a mother fuck and do what they want. I guess when you're a little older and have lawyer money it doesn't matter that much.
I'd be mostly worried about a call because of noise and and hot shot "I'm a cop and have more rights" state cop transfer from downstate come to bust your balls.
In your opinion where do you think in the state of NY is the best place to live as a free man? Good sheriff's and cops or District attorneys who like the 2nd Amendment. If I never get to leave I want to try my best to surround myself with good people if that's even possible here.
Has anyone taken their 5.56 AK and did the trunion work and installed a mag adapter? I've heard of some issues when it comes to cracking the trunnion after doing this. How did it go how has it lasted?
Yeah, I really hate the fact that we get treated like second-class citizens when it comes to our gun rights in comparison to law enforcement officers but I'm not a politician and I won't be able to move for a while so I might as well say fuck it and join them. Do my small part and only enforce...
Can anyone explain the exemption in plain terms? If I become one like I want too (later becoming a cop, hopefully) how exempt are they. How do they aquire high cap magazines? Or so called assault weapons?
Now I did take criminal justice in school but I forgotten a lot since then so maybe someone can scrub me up here on what can be done. Now that there will be a conservative majority on the Supreme Court after Trump appoints a new Justice is there any chance that someone could take our shity gun...
I'm finally going to finish my Ar. I bough a lower parts kit w/o grip from Anderson. A rifle buffer tube spring and buffer from Areopercison. A fixed Magpul rifle lenth stock. From what I read about the products a castle nut isn't listed anywhere. Is it implied to be in one of them or do I have...
Let me just clarify here guys that I'm just bullshittin you know. I like shooting the shit with you guys so all of this walking the line stuff for me is just speculation and theorizing
and wondering. Right now I have too many responsibilities and children to do any dumb shit.
Exactly and that's the scary part but it does give me hope and I'm almost positive you had a good lawyer and you had no criminal record you're not getting a felony out of the deal.
So I do a lot of driving for work and I live in Oneida County but I'm up here in Hamilton County in Speculator and I pull up to the Gas Pump and there's a DEC officer pumping gas and I like to ask you know the cops on the ground how they feel about the Safe Act and he straight up told me if he...
I want to get the Mako group Pentagon magazine coupler and also the Obama coupler. But they say that it's made for ulti mags and I'm wondering with the minor modification do you think you could use Lancer mags to fit into the coupler. The coupler itself acts as the base plate. I don't own any AR...
Okay I'm a little confused about buffer tubes, the springs, the weight. I bought a 16 inch mid-lenth gas system upper in 5.56. Are all buffer tubes the same length? I know I need a mil spec, I plan on using the mag pull carbine fixed stock, what about the buffer weight in relation to the gas...
I'm not going to do it, I've been going to Vermont a lot lately and the wheels for work around have been turning, being in free states makes a nyer sad, good or bad there just ideas.
Why is that? This isnt it me all gung-ho wanting to do it I was wanting to know why it's a bad idea or not. The slant brake and a slant cut wood work the same in theory wouldn't it? If not why do you think?
I don't think Id do it to my factory Saiga that have now but I can buy another one that has an obscenely long barrel maybe .308 and have it cut down and have the gas block moved back and have the barrel cut in a lenth where i have provisions to recut it and thread it if I ever move to a free state.
Well yeah I wouldn't be in the garage with a hacksaw that's for sure I'm just wondering if it would even be effective I've never shot a gun or AK that has a muzzle brake on it so I only know a brealess gun.
Could you just cut the tip of the barrel so it's angled Up and to the right like a slant muzzle brake and have it function the same way but it's the barrel instead?
Well the Magpul fixed stock carbine length looks good Imo and is only like 30 bucks. That's will slide right over the rifle lenth tube? What I was worried about was the tube being to long and the stock wont seat right.
Seeing as I have 5 kids (3 siblings) and 2 of my own, I'm going to try my very hardest to bust my back and get the best paying local driving I can get, the kids need some guidance, thanks for all the suggestions, I appreciate it.
Well from what I've gathered it's good to just jump in budget wise and see how it goes. Once I get my class A and have money flowing I could trick out an AR parts wise. Building beats the $999 dollar price tag I see on every AR I see in a shop or store.
Another question, will a 50-60 dollar...