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  1. U

    ATF just lost their case , charging a man with a pistol + brace = SBR

    If you can be charged and taken to trial with 12 random community members screened for their ignorance left to decide whether or not the pistol + shoulder brace is illegal and you will go to prison, that tells me all I need to know about whether it's legal enough for me. A jury decision on a...
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    WATCH: Democrat Stacey Abrams Admits Her Plans May Require Georgians to ‘Turn Their Guns In’

    She will lose. Too bad we can't say the same about FUAC.
  3. U Endorses Molinaro

    Yeah, that is a big deal, though sadly it won't make any difference. They endorsed turncoat Gillibrand who is a bigger piece of shit than Cuomo: Editorial endorsement: Kirsten Gillibrand for U.S. Senate
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    DUI Suspect Shot Dead After Trying To Retrieve Gun Thrown In Bushes *WARNING: GRAPHIC*

    Nothing to celebrate here. Kid had a sad life and ended it with suicide by cop. Traumatic for the cop and what's left of his surviving family. Plus more bad optics for gun owners. We need fathers and strong families. That's what causes these sad incidents. Not guns. Edit: The title on this...
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    A SAFE Act arrest! Sure to keep the children and illegal immigrants in NYS safe!

    I don't think it's normal for family court DV cases as the NY UCS-promulgated form doesn't restrict them: I'd be sort of surprised if probation was more restrictive than a family offense protective order. That said this form...
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    A SAFE Act arrest! Sure to keep the children and illegal immigrants in NYS safe!

    Probation officers are peace officers under N.Y. law. They are a type of cop. Are you prepared to additionally assume that he specifically agreed to possess magazines of no more than 10 rounds as part of his plea deal? Also, this isn't parole. This is probation. If it was imposed after a trial...
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    A SAFE Act arrest! Sure to keep the children and illegal immigrants in NYS safe!

    usamerican exclusive: Unless it's something else, his "unrelated" prior is a DWI. He should take this to the US Supreme Court if need be to get this damn law overturned.
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    A SAFE Act arrest! Sure to keep the children and illegal immigrants in NYS safe!

    I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t think the standard language in protective orders really does. Even ammunition isn’t specified although I expect it is routinely seized along with extra mags. Of course the judge could forbid you from collecting stamps or owning a parakeet under probation if he...
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    A SAFE Act arrest! Sure to keep the children and illegal immigrants in NYS safe!

    You go down that road and you’ll say it’s never a pure “SAFE act arrest” because there’s always something else going on that leads an officer to the guns. We don’t know what his probation was for or its terms. If he was allowed to have firearms then he was doing nothing wrong but for the SAFE...
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    A SAFE Act arrest! Sure to keep the children and illegal immigrants in NYS safe!

    Maybe you are the one who doesn’t understand probation. Misdemeanor probationers are only forbidden if it’s in the terms of their probation. And they would be charged with violation of probation (go back to jail) not criminal weapons possession. His charge appears to be specific to the magazine...
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    Hmm, I thought no ccw at Starbucks

    I also like guns, but if you keep or bear them for defensive purposes (as 2nd amendment “arms”) then understanding the rules of engagement is pretty damn fundamental. A hell of a lot more fundamental than dicking around about caliber and such. So, I am not put off by these discussions. They are...
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    Hmm, I thought no ccw at Starbucks

    Then if you do get a chance to be a hero getting in someone else's business where you don't know the scenario, enjoy the prison. You can tell the other inmates you shouldn't be there. That should help pass the time. Cops have limited immunity to get in other people's business and it's their...
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    Hmm, I thought no ccw at Starbucks

    Okay hero, here's an alternate timeline. You walk into a Starbucks in New York. Another man enters, runs up to the counter girl, starts hollering at her and punching her in the face. You draw, tell him to get on the ground or you'll shoot. He says "Fuck you, you ain't doing shit!" and continues...
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    Kavanaugh votes FOR Voter ID in North Dakota !!

    I haven't in my life either. However by law "ID" (which can be a bill) is required the first time you vote in the state if you didn't provide any when you registered to vote. I think providing a NYS driver license ID number on a mailed registration form is sufficient to be considered "ID"...
  15. U

    Kavanaugh votes FOR Voter ID in North Dakota !!

    This "decision" was just an appeal of a stay. Kavanaugh didn't participate because the appeal reached SCOTUS before he was sworn in. It hasn't reached the Supreme Court on the merits. If it ever did, then Kavanaugh would presumably hear argument and sign an opinion. For what it's worth I think...
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    Wells Fargo Bucks Corporate Gun Control, Issues $40 Million in Credit to Ruger Firearms

    I believed from the outset that Cuomo's conspiracy to starve the gun industry of capital was doomed to failure. It's not only a legal industry but protected by the constitution and by statute. Banks that turn away gun money are giving up profits to banks that will not. Lots of banks are...
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    Don't be this guy (Zeigler/Rochester Hills, Detroit MI shooting)

    Video released showing white Rochester Hills man shooting at black teen So much idiocy here. Zeigler lives in Detroit, has a front door that opens to the street; no locked gate/razor wire fence/barking dogs, just a sidewalk from the road. Unarmed lost schoolkid with a backpack knocks on his...
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    Hmm, I thought no ccw at Starbucks

    Prior to 2003 Starbucks had no position on CCW in cafes. In 2003 their CEO wrote an open letter "asking nicely" that people voluntarily not carry in their cafes: Our Respectful Request So this was never an enforced policy and they do not post it. Secondly, unlike many states (compare to...
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    Gubinatorial election

    He's a piss poor candidate, but not because he's not working hard, willing to get his name or message out. I've seen him a couple of places locally and I can assure you he is 100% in, but in for what? Peeling a few votes off from Molinaro. He's a fringe candidate in a fringe party with fringe...
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    Want to END frivolous SCOTUS complaints ?

    It might or might not be illegal, but it's potentially career-ending.
  21. U

    Siena poll: Cuomo holds wide lead over Molinaro

    No, it means that 21% of polled Republicans who plan on voting will vote for him. There are Republicans who either won't vote at all or will undervote for governor. (There are also those who will scatter vote for third parties or write-ins but polls should count them in statistics).
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    Siena poll: Cuomo holds wide lead over Molinaro

    Molinaro can't even get the members of this forum lined up behind him. It's pathetic.
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    Want to END frivolous SCOTUS complaints ?

    The thing is it's next to impossible to prove a negative 37 years after the fact. Ford may well believe he really did it to her at this point. Either way, unless she comes out and admits she made it up to smear him it would be next to impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is...
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    3D gun creator wanted on child sex assault charge is arrested in Taiwan

    This generation is essentially fucked. He probably thought he was safer with a prostitute these days, since prostitutes don’t usually come out of the woodwork after the fact crying rape. Usually. The Kavanaugh situation today proves that even just “not having sex” doesn’t save you. Even 37...
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    NEWSFLASH: Pistol Permit Recertification

    I’m a reformed fudd. Maybe this election cycle, with Cynthia pushing Cuomo and seeing how bad it’s gotten in other states other fudds will start seeing the light. It can happen. A lot of pendulums are swinging across this great nation and a lot of dems are aghast at what happened to their party...
  26. U congressional predictions

    Rightly. In 2016 in particular, he was virtually alone in assigning a high probability of correlation between error in individual state results. He gave H a 64.5% chance of winning the week before the election when other pollsters gave her 85-99%, most closer to 99. And he took a lot of abuse...
  27. U

    NEWSFLASH: Pistol Permit Recertification

    This shit is why I refuse to get a pistol permit in NY. I am not going to beg the sheriff and judge to let me exercise my constitutional rights, register my guns, and get in a database to have all my guns taken away on a whim. I’m going to go buy more long guns, and I will move out of state...
  28. U

    New Accuser of Judge Kavanaugh Says He Pushed His Balls In Her Face.

    You have to love the use of the alternative in Avenatti’s questions: “for rape or sex” “gang raped or used for sex” “gang raped or taken advantage of” “raped or taken advantage of” And then of course have you even had any hanky panky with a female who had been drinking? Follow up question...
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    3D gun creator wanted on child sex assault charge is arrested in Taiwan

    Anyone find this slightly suspicious? A hooker on an "adult dating website" just happening to be 16 years old and her client just happens to be Cody Wilson? How many of her other "clients" have been arrested? Cody Wilson, creator of 3D gun, arrested in Taiwan in child sex assault case - CNN...
  30. U

    Devastating fire at BoltWorks

    Nope, it’s up on Beam Hill, and one side is seasonal access. You wouldn’t pass by accident. I was there the morning after and learned the news from a trooper posted there. Fire was at 4pm an hour after close so I think the simple explanation of an misfortunate source in the shop is most likely...
  31. U

    Devastating fire at BoltWorks

    Have not seen this posted here. We've lost an oasis in a gun desert. This was Jamie's labor of love that he built from nothing in 2012. He's got a lot of support so hopefully this gets resurrected fast. A lot of good guns were lost. Thankfully no one hurt and it didn't spread outside the shop...
  32. U

    Why are we registered Republicans?

    Speak for yourself, I'm a registered D, although I am a #WalkAway I'm not going to change my registration until my vote matters. Bit torn about the gov primary. Cuomo sucks donkey dick, so by default the vote would be for her given that she's going to lose, except if she actually won she'd be...
  33. U

    Early morning shots in elmira

    Even for Elmira, this had to be a joke. "4:20 am"? "200 people involved"? If so then a lot of media got taken, because this is all over the local news but with no further details as to this mystery.
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    Liberal Judge Swears In New Citizens Then Immediately Tells Them to Kneel During Anthem

    Original article: Judge Tells New Citizens to ‘Take A Knee’ Author should have shown up on time and gone inside and taken notes. Ceremony must be open to the public. If the judge actually told the new citizens to "take the knee" during the anthem that is appalling. But sadly not surprising...