Search results

  1. Dylan_

    Looking to sell a sig p320

    Was looking for a fair value prior to posting it for sale. Unless these types of threads are gtg in the classified section.
  2. Dylan_

    Looking to sell a sig p320

    Looking to sell a sig p320 x carry, romeo 1, 3 mags, sig case. Roughly 350 rounds through the pistol. What would be a fair price on this private sale? FFL fees paid by buyer. Shop offered me $275 so I told them to go blow smoke.
  3. Dylan_

    FINALLY got my permit.

    I have a pc9 so I am always stocked :)
  4. Dylan_

    FINALLY got my permit.

    VP9, hands down.
  5. Dylan_

    FINALLY got my permit.

    Approved April 29. Filed in late December. Thanks covid. Anyway, here is what I bought back in Jan And was finally able to pick up from the LGS today after picking up my permit.
  6. Dylan_

    Warren county pistol permit update

    i received a very unprofessional email from the county clerk after emailing her and I understand now of what was being said in the post:ROFL:
  7. Dylan_

    Warren county pistol permit update

    gotcha, makes sense then. So do they make you break out the wallet again for that too?
  8. Dylan_

    Warren county pistol permit update

    Paragraph 4 makes no sense other than signing for the permit. Finger prints and photos are conducted before filing the application. but here’s an update.
  9. Dylan_

    Possession of an illegal rifle and firework

    Police: Argyle man had illegal rifle and fireworks during traffic stop Those damn black scary guns at it again.
  10. Dylan_

    State lawmakers give Andrew Cuomo a big pay raise

    the fact it’s circulating social media right now has me pissed off about it.I don’t care if this happened 2 years ago. The fact it happened is enough to be pissed about. And he’s still an asshole.
  11. Dylan_

    State lawmakers give Andrew Cuomo a big pay raise

    What. A. Joke. Look at that grin! It’s a SHAME state workers pay is being halted right now too. FUAC. State lawmakers give Andrew Cuomo a big pay raise
  12. Dylan_

    Any chance pistol permits won't be delayed because of COVID-19?

    hopefully they’re doing this in Warren county as well...
  13. Dylan_

    What are my options as a Long Islander in the current Carona Crisis.

    Take the rifle on the boat and have an accident.
  14. Dylan_

    Gun Stores

    Guess they found a loophole
  15. Dylan_

    ..."Show me your Permit"!!...buying ammo

    Disclaimer- *I buy ammo at dicks because its down the road from my house and I get their $20/ off coupons frequently* Dicks by my house- will sell 9mm without PP. Employee must carry it up to the register for you...(???) Dicks in Saratoga- Will only sell if you show your pp.. Employee must...
  16. Dylan_

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    no asbestos here. That’s long gone. Gotta love old Victorians.
  17. Dylan_

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    the wife doesn’t come’s great
  18. Dylan_

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    A lower parts kit to get a jump start on this build
  19. Dylan_


    I have an aero precision grip for anyone that wants it.
  20. Dylan_

    Gun Sales Jump 100% In Colorado In One Week

    LOL. Is 6 lowers too many? Asking for a friend..
  21. Dylan_

    Gun Sales Jump 100% In Colorado In One Week

    I've bought quite a few...Lowers, so I am glad to be helping the NY statistic (If there is one)
  22. Dylan_

    Any chance pistol permits won't be delayed because of COVID-19?

    My references just texted me saying they all got calls from the county today. Seems like warren county is still moving forward. Good news on a crappy rainy day.
  23. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    agreed. After a range day I always buy double what I shot. I personally buy ammo every week and a bulk order every month or so.
  24. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    nice, I saw someone complaining on an AR forum last night so I wanted to take a peek. Low and behold the crazy prices were everywhere
  25. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    I I wasn’t bullshitting. They’re notorious for doing this.
  26. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    this isn’t the first time they’ve done this... the prices have been jacked many times before on cheaper than dirt and they got jacked again yesterday.
  27. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    Im scrolling it right now?
  28. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    go look on their website... I took this screen shot yesterday.
  29. Dylan_

    Ammunition Sales Soar in Response to Coronavirus Panic

    Go snag a few thousand of this hot deal while you’re at it!
  30. Dylan_

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    Head on over to cheaper than dirt :ROFL:
  31. Dylan_

    Any chance pistol permits won't be delayed because of COVID-19?

    Yup. I just laughed and walked out.
  32. Dylan_

    Any chance pistol permits won't be delayed because of COVID-19?

    "My manager will not allow us to sell ammo at this time, sorry". I was just trying to pick up some .22's for plinking without reaching into my stock...
  33. Dylan_

    Any chance pistol permits won't be delayed because of COVID-19?

    I've been waiting 4 months on mine in Warren county (One of the better & quicker counties is what I am told).. None of my references have been called, mental health check has been complete along with everything else. Seems like they're dragging their feet because they can. In the mean time my...
  34. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    Now my local Walmart is refusing to sell ammo.
  35. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    Mines out of 223, 5.56, 12 gauge, 9mm and .22. This isn’t a small store either. It’s insane. Walmart shelves are empty. I hate people.
  36. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    The fudds are really coming out to play. Field and stream this afternoon in Latham.
  37. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    why should it even matter if you have 1 box or 12,000 boxes?
  38. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    I am stocked as well, luckily. I can’t stand the people who bug and drive the costs up. Hopefully it’ll blow over soon... “get some ammo” **300 rounds bought and STOCKED RIGHT UP**:ROFL:
  39. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    yeah, all the rem fmj 9mm was gone along with all your other cheaper 50 round boxes, some sig left and quite a few blazer 500 round packs. No 223, no 12 gauge 100 rd packs and .22 was slim. I bought a 500 round box of blazer as I purchase ammo every Saturday. Glad there was some left. but I...
  40. Dylan_

    What is the legal consensus on the juggernaut hellfighter kit in NY?

    I can’t believe I just read all that.. Anyone have any TP for sale?
  41. Dylan_

    Looking to buy a fixed mag AR10

    I agree, build it yourself. I had the same excuses you did a month ago- it’s not hard and there are an abundant amount of YouTube videos out there.
  42. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    Walmart too I guess. Shelves are bare.
  43. Dylan_

    Dicks sporting goods

    Happened to be in commie DSG today. The amount of people buying ammo was insane. Shelves are being cleared. A lot of people were buying rifles as well. I’m going to attribute this to the fear of COVID-19. as I’m posting this there is a manager behind me pushing 8 rifle boxes to the checkouts...
  44. Dylan_

    Tough Guy Biden
