6.5 Creedmoor
FWIW, you should sell it all and get a 10mm. We all know 9mm is weak and .45 auto will kill your soul. But criminals/thugs have no soul so .45 would be uselesss.

If you reload.....it doesn't matter if you go .45ACP or .10mm. If you do not reload then there is a significant difference in the cost of ammo, between the two. At retail store pricing: .45 ACP is around $22.00 a box while .10mm is around $40.00 per box.Now that I got the 9mm carry/practical guns covered I think its time to look at a nice 1911 range toy. Now...... .45 or 10mm?
What about .38 super? That's a traditional 1911 cartridge. And a damn cool one too. I saw boxes and boxes of the stuff at Cabellas today.I like both rounds equally for different reasons.
Most of my EDC guns are chambered in 9mm. I have the XDS45 as one EDC gun.
I love shooting 1911's. Not the fake 1911's in 9mm; 45ACP or nothing.
Both have their place in my heart.
What about .38 super? That's a traditional 1911 cartridge. And a damn cool one too. I saw boxes and boxes of the stuff at Cabellas today.
I'm just respectfully taking issue with you ".45 or nothing" statement, hey you wanted gun talk after all. The .38 super and 10mm are both fine, manly cartidges for a 1911.
When you come up here I will bring a couple for you to shoot. I got rid of my 1911 in Super though. It was converted to a 45. I still have a couple of semis in 38 super.I have shot many, many different guns and many calibers; I have never shot the 38 Super.
if you live near a place that has a lot of competitions you may be able to find some in the local gun stores. You most likely will not find it in the big box stores. I would not recommend it as a self defense caliber as your choices of SD ammo are limited.Yeah but .38 super out of a 1911 has a super cool roaring 20s/ prohibition 30s vibe to it. Hell I think I'm selling myself on one now! I wonder what .38 super availability is like these days?
If you reload.....it doesn't matter if you go .45ACP or .10mm. If you do not reload then there is a significant difference in the cost of ammo, between the two. At retail store pricing: .45 ACP is around $22.00 a box while .10mm is around $40.00 per box.
Maybe.I bet ya a 500gr .50S&W downloadednto 900fps would punch though the pan.
I'd betcha a dollar........ no $5.Maybe.
When reloading, .45ACP 230gr FMJ runs me $8.50 per 50-round box plus brass. I've got my own reclaimed brass. If I have to use all once-fired purchased brass for around $0.06/case, that makes a 50-round box $11.50.
(For those interested, reloaded 115gr and 124gr FMJ 9mm runs me about $6.00/box of 50 rounds plus brass...so a max of around $7.50/50-rounds using $0.03/case once-fired brass.)
Just when we thought the dreaded .9mm couldn't be topped, here is the brutally terrifying .10mm!
Well considering that 1 centimeter is 100 millimeters, yes that is much more intimidating, though inaccurate.Is that round more or less intimidating if we call it "1 centimeter" instead?
Well considering that 1 centimeter is 100 millimeters, yes that is much more intimidating, though inaccurate.
Darth, experiment time.I bet ya a 500gr .50S&W downloadednto 900fps would punch though the pan.
I hear you on that one. My health insurance went up $6,000 last year. That was a lot of my fun money. I've started doing landscaping to buy guns. Thanks Obama.Funds are not there anymore like they use to be for me to do that.