.475 A&M Magnum
I'm not much of a conspiracy guy but the scenario could be that this guy was the patsy for a Deep State action designed to push gun control through and humiliate Trump enough that he just goes along with the program for the rest of his only term.
You gotta figure they already have the legislation written and have just been waiting for an opportune moment. But when even the dead New Town school kids couldn't get Federal gun control passed perhaps they figured if they shot up country music loving Republicans that might sway the FUDDS and RINOs. I'd watch for a second senseless act of gun violence, probably against little kids, in the next couple of weeks while the wounds are still fresh... then they'll rush it through, like Cuomo did the SAFE Act and Trump will be cornered into signing it.
Or something like that. Trump may think himself so clever that he introduces gun control first to steal the Democrats' thunder.
It doesn't matter in the short term but in 20-30 years we'll be dead or almost so... all the weapons we buried out back will be rusty and the younger generation will be like the British, terrified of evil guns and all positive references will have been erased from our culture. So we're basically one generation from turning into Europe and that sounds pretty darn likely.
To Democrat/establishment/Deep State thinking then a 100 or so innocents murdered simply serves the greater good. Stalin killed that many people before breakfast.
But I still think it more probable the guy was a smart nut job who wanted to be famous in death, there are people who think like that. Usually the obvious is true and it is very hard to impossible to involve as many people into a conspiracy like this - with innocents killed and wounded - without a guilty conscience or some clues emerging.