Your house is locked when you leave isn't it?
I have an old floor safe that I keep a lot of ammo in. No idea what the combination is so it stays unlocked. I thought it would have been big enough to hole my ammo, but then I became an ammo hording slut. The safe is not even close to being large enough. I started picking up plastic ammo cans at Harbor Freight,, there is a Super Coupon for this can for four bucks. I just bought 16 more. I store most of my ammo in these cans. I have them stacked up in my gun room. Got about 80 filled as of now.
I tap out, I thought I had issues. You win!
I go through half gallons of ice cream like crazy, maybe I could use those.
Great idea man!1 gallon paint cans work well too and they don't look like ammo cans.
and 500 more rounds of 9mm.
I'm like that with motor oilThis ammo buying is becoming an addiction. I went to Gander today to buy some feed corn, I left the store with two bags of corn and 500 more rounds of 9mm.