.223 Rem
I second that. I don't have any fixed mag builds, but I know people who use these and think they make a helluva lot more sense than epoxying shit in place:Not to be snarky, but there is no law or part of the safe act nor CCIA BS that says you have to put epoxy in the Allen hole. It's just based on your comfort level.
To me a mag lock is a mag lock. It's fulfilling the task of affixing a magazine to my rifle. Adding epoxy doesn't do anything additional. That doesnt make it more permanent because it can still be removed. The only way to fulfill the definition of a permenantly attached magazine would be to get an aluminum mag and literally weld it into the magazine well.
No DA is going to dare open up the can of worms to prosecute a rifle that has a mag lock and 10 round mag they do not want any part of touching that electric fence because it would likely lead to the end of the safe act for being completely absurd.

AR-15 - F.N.G.R. Fixed Magazine Kit
Bypass California's Assault Weapon Registration with MagLatch! The first and only fixed magazine compliance device to make AR rifles and pistols California ...