.308 Win
It's strange that until last Thursday the media never noticed late term dementia. Maybe they'll buy he had a head cold and is all better now.
I've had the same thought since China released the covidsI'm predicting world war.
Just too much chaos and bad news all over the world right now.
If I'm wrong, then good, I'm wrong.
Who’s got the finger on the button? Why, that would be Eleanor BidenOkay. But, if it comes to a head - who's got the finger on the button?? Every one of our foreign allies just shit their pants after that debate.
Beck and Bongino BOTH had long dialogs about that elephant, unambiguously asking the question of WHO is really in control, and WHY isn't anything being done about it? See, this is the real elephant in the Room that few speak of and fewer have a solution (other than civil war/rebellion which completely fucks the situation) of what is being done to correct this unconstitutional condition and by definition, treasonous acts?Who’s got the finger on the button? Why, that would be Eleanor Biden
Folks back in the day were used to hardships. It was nothing for them to say I need to go see jeb my brother... and it would be 20 miles away ... They would think nothing of it... Walking... If one plows a 6 acre field with a one bottom plow and a mule ...How many miles do you walk guiding that plow ?Another factor about civil war most don't talk about is this.....
Today life expectancy for a male is ~80 y/o + or -.
You'd expect a male today to join the fight if they were 70+. Getting older, not as many years left on the table. Not as much to lose. But this group certainly isn't as formidable a force as well trained 18-30 y/o's.
Back in 1776 the average life expectancy of a male was 35-40 y/o.
With the same 'what the hell' attitude as today, back then guys in their mid 20's+ would probably pick up arms. Those guys were a hell of a lot more formidable than today's 70 y/o's.
The longer life expectancy of today means the best fighting forces have a lot more to lose today than back in 1776.
Just one more underlying factor.
I think the best line was the media isn't angry they found out Joe has dementia they are angry the rest of us found out. Joe Scarborough on "morning Joe" has proven to be such a laughingstock. If he had any sense of shame he would kill himself. Of course, as a journalist, he doesn't.It's strange that until last Thursday the media never noticed late term dementia. Maybe they'll buy he had a head cold and is all better now.
I`m with yah on it. I think they are going to pull some extreme bullshit to keep trump out of the shithouse. Whoops, i meant white house.I'm predicting world war.
Just too much chaos and bad news all over the world right now.
If I'm wrong, then good, I'm wrong.
++++1 Same here.I've been asking that question for 3+ years now. My guess is Obama.
Folks back in the day were used to hardships. It was nothing for them to say I need to go see jeb my brother... and it would be 20 miles away ... They would think nothing of it... Walking... If one plows a 6 acre field with a one bottom plow and a mule ...How many miles do you walk guiding that plow ?
Pretty sure he did that already.death?
I think the best line was the media isn't angry they found out Joe has dementia they are angry the rest of us found out. Joe Scarborough on "morning Joe" has proven to be such a laughingstock. If he had any sense of shame he would kill himself. Of course, as a journalist, he doesn't.
All this talk about "who is running the country" shouldn't be new to anyone who has been paying attention. I've been asking that question for 3+ years now. My guess is Obama. There was a story years ago how all of biden's top aides were spending all kinds of time at Obama's residence in DC. It never became the top news story it should have.
I think this is what is going to happen
One: Biden dies of health related issues before the next debate
two: *they* assassinate Trump before Nov
Then the One World Order/WEF get's to install whoever they want. But if those two things happen, I see a civil war happening, and the world in chaos.
China or Russia will become the next world super power.
Top ten things who missed, I didnt miss any of it.
There were 11 things some may have missed.
I'm enjoying Biden getting beat up. Deserves every bit of it for not just walking out a few years ago.Biden is getting beat up bad in the media. They are saying his campaign is just counting on votes from certain segments of people and they aren’t earning it. They say the debate performance and Palestine crap is making it worse.
The Democrats’ Entitlement Has Officially Gotten Out of Hand — Slate
As bad as the other candidate is, votes have to be earned, not demanded.apple.news
It will be curious to see what the month of July brings. Also if Trump is smart he will deny further debates so this one sticks in their heads. I wonder what Biden’s poll numbers look like now. I find it funny they are beating Trump up for exaggerating the truth because that’s just Trump and he does that all the time. He’s full of himself and the people voting for him have accepted that.I'm enjoying Biden getting beat up. Deserves every bit of it for not just walking out a few years ago.
I've got more popcorn on the way......![]()
100%, Machavelli would be proud.Republicans should be on board with the whole Biden just had a bad night, that he had a cold.
The Republicans should all jump on the support Biden to continue bandwagon.
They should play along and agree that Biden should keep on keeping on. And promote what some of the Democrats like Gavin Newsom are saying about still supporting Biden.
At the very least promote that Kamala Harris is the logical transition.
Those are the two dipshits that Trump or anyone else would want to run against.
Biden is getting beat up bad in the media. They are saying his campaign is just counting on votes from certain segments of people and they aren’t earning it. They say the debate performance and Palestine crap is making it worse.
The Democrats’ Entitlement Has Officially Gotten Out of Hand — Slate
As bad as the other candidate is, votes have to be earned, not demanded.apple.news