Get a replica one then if you just want to display it. Also anything prior to 1898 you don’t need a NICS a check on but now with the new law I’m not sure how that will work. Also if you get one that doesn’t function it can’t be called a firearm then. Or just drive to a neighboring state and buy what you please and make it inoperable prior to bringing it back to NYS(aka communism)Real funny you are
I wish I wasn’t.Saltwater60 is 100% correct
Yup, if I remember correctly, it was only the Confederacy that used brass frames for revolvers, and they only did it because they couldn't source enough steel. They had to resort to weaker metals like brass and pot iron to try to supply their troops.The genuine 1858 Revolver is an engineering miracle.
There are steps incorporated into the cylinder that allow the hammer to rest into safe spaces.
Buy one with Steel, of course. Brass is a cruel joke.
I have a very fine 1858 Iver Johnson , sexy looking piece and built well too.Pedersoli
All make fine replica, fully functional Black Powder firearms.
I'd not trust my hand and fingers with any other.
I had no idea.I have a very fine 1858 Iver Johnson , sexy looking piece and built well too.
I have one, so you should treat me nice.I
I had no idea.
Later Iver Johnson guns were not trash, but were considered second rate.
They were popular for US President Assassinations.
Iver Johnson - Wikipedia
William McKinley assassination[edit]
On September 6, 1901, American steelworker and anarchist Leon Czolgosz shot President William McKinley at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, with an Iver Johnson .32 caliber Safety Automatic revolver (serial number A18915). McKinley died nearly eight days later, at 2:15 am on the 14th of September. The revolver is currently on display at the Buffalo History Museum in Buffalo.[18]
Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted assassination[edit]
In 1933, Giuseppe Zangara shot and killed Chicago mayor Anton Cermak at a political event in Miami, in an apparent attempt to assassinate president-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt. Zangara was using a .32 revolver by the United States Revolver Company, a subsidiary of Iver Johnson.[19]
Robert Kennedy assassination[edit]
Jordanian Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Presidential candidate United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy with an eight-shot Iver Johnson Cadet 55-A revolver chambered in .22 Long Rifle, (serial number H-53725, Trial-People's Exhibit #6, misidentified in trial testimony as S/N H-18602) at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, on June 5, 1968; Kennedy died the following day at Good Samaritan Hospital.[20] The revolver, as well as the official police files, reports, interviews, ballistics reports, bullet fragments, and other important evidence related to Kennedy's assassination, is currently housed in the California State Archives in Sacramento.[21]
Because heil hochul said something about blackpowder rifles and then panicked knowing she was talking about a large group of people who can be very accurate with one, and blackpowder calibers range all the way up to cannon-ball sizes.I’ll bet it’s been 125 years since some one was killed with a black powder gun so yeah I’m not sure why NYS did this.
Do you mean Combustible Cartridges made with Flash Paper ?I put my 1860 Army on my permit.
I shoot it with paper cartridges like they used during the Civl War.
How to Make Paper Cartridges for Black Powder Revolvers
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