Barney Frank Sat on Board for Collapsed Signature Bank
Former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), author of the 2010 Dodd-Frank bill, sat on the board for Signature Bank, which has collapsed.

But the tweets.....
Is the Enron CEO going to run the new chip factories too?![]()
Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame - Part 1
Central bank digital currency (CBDC) will end human freedom.iaindavis.substack.com
Well played sir. Well played indeed.
The NY a post said there is a fund that banks pay into to pay depositors and that is where the money is coming from… for now.
Of course this is good we’re not paying it but how long will this fund last if this Carrie’s on. I would say another 1-2 banks will fail before this is over.
I was only saying where the money came from according to the post. I asked and I think others were wondering how all the money would be covered without dipping into tax payer funds. I’m also guessing the find is only so large and if more banks fail the new standard will be applied but tax payer money will be used.The government has yet again exceeded their powers. The FDIC should only be responsible for covered accounts of 250k or less. This is bullshit because China.
I was only saying where the money came from according to the post. I asked and I think others were wondering how all the money would be covered without dipping into tax payer funds. I’m also guessing the find is only so large and if more banks fail the new standard will be applied but tax payer money will be used.
I agree the government over stepped their authority by confiscating two banks and their assets. It seems their assets are worth more than their debts according to every article I have read so I’m wondering what will happen to the excess? Will it be given to those nasty rich shareholders or will the government take it to pay the FDIC workers so we aren’t actually out any funds by tax payers?
I have a feeling like you that there is much more to this story than we are being told. This encourages more government overreach and more control leading to more government dependency. NYS a took over the other bank and immediately handed it over to the feds? These are private businesses how do they even know these banks are in this shape?
Problem there is the politicians all do the same thing. The trouble with playing dirty, is there's no one to run to when others wanna play dirty too.They want to restore people's trust in banks they can start by not just firing these criminals, but actually arresting them.
Cashing out their stocks a WEEK before the bank collapses sends a strong message to investors and people who keep their money in banks. By not going after them for their insider trading behavior the .gov sends an even louder message that they support that behavior.