Carlos Hathcock
.450/400 Nitro Ex
Did they say he had served in combat...... or just been combating an eating disorder?Clearly. They create a bunch of sociopathic killing machines with PTSD and unleash them on the populace!
Did they say he had served in combat...... or just been combating an eating disorder?Clearly. They create a bunch of sociopathic killing machines with PTSD and unleash them on the populace!
I used to think that. But now my guess is the antigunners will say: Look its like the wild west! Everyone shooting each other! We must get rid of all guns to stop the madness!This one's not going to work that good for the antigunners since it was a good guy with a gun that helped ensure things did not continue.
We can't put anything past them now, they will always try to find an angle to make it work in their favor. Unfortunately the people that are supposed to be on our side don't have any fight in them.I used to think that. But now my guess is the antigunners will say: Look its like the wild west! Everyone shooting each other! We must get rid of all guns to stop the madness!
The gun grabbers are pointing to this as a failure, because many were killed *before* the good guy managed to stop him.
The gun grabbers are pointing to this as a failure, because many were killed *before* the good guy managed to stop him.
When many aren't killed before the good guy stops the bad guy, they say it doesn't count as a mass killing that was stopped....
It doesn't get any more intellectually dishonest than that.
It’s kinda being overblown by the MSM tbh.
I actually went to a gun show in San Antonio a few days ago. Heck, I’ve even been at the range today, in Austin even:
No one down in Texas is really freaking out about this as much as the MSM is making it seem like. Honestly if you were down here you wouldn’t even realize something happened. Bad shit happens all the time. We move on and live our lives. Texans sure seem to be fine.
In fact, things are going so fine in Texas, apparently today was the range photo shoot day for the girls of the nearby Twin Peaks (the Texas version of hooters). I might not be coming back at this rate.
True. The shooting has impacted many more Texans in the opposite way.
They want more guns.
Not just Texas Cure, people want more guns and more ammo after every type of attack. Americans do not feel safe. The government and law enforcement are too busy being politically correct to stop things from happening.
People are really starting to get it, they are their own first responders.
\Also True. To top it off...POTUS laid it down how it is today.
Trump: “Mental health' is the issue behind the Texas shooting, not guns”
Here it is:
Fewer Guns = Fewer Deaths
In Texas on Sunday, it seems that a man living near the church grabbed his gun and confronted the shooter after he left the church. It may be that this defensive use of a weapon saved lives, and the N.R.A. often hails this view that guns are necessary to counter gun violence.
But really? Can anybody possibly see what unfolded in Texas as a success of gun policy?
It is true that guns are periodically used defensively. One study by the Violence Policy Center found that in 2012 there were 259 justifiable homicides by a private citizen using a firearm.
How to Reduce Shootings
Just checked in on CNN and heard we need to limit the number of bullets in a cartridge.![]()
Of course. The NYT, what do you expect?Every single thing in that article is wrong. Well maybe not so much the numbers, but nearly all of the statements are incorrect!
Heard that to unbelievableWait, did I miss something? Does this mean I have to buy another reloading press?
While I agree a bit with the statement, guns are NOT to blame, I can't help but get pissed at the entire Mental Health thing.
Not everyone that commits these types of crimes are mentally ill, some are just assholes and they are evil to their cores.
Trump is trying to say the correct words, but he is falling for the game as well. Mental illness is NOT as rampant as some want America to believe!
I understand and agree. Ed Kemper for example had an IQ of 136. Was he insane or just pure evil? Maybe both? Thin line between intelligence and insanity?
I guess it is easier or simpler for most to view a person who commits an act/s of evil as insane rather than evil. As a person who is just evil is harder to explain and one must look into other realms imo.
Very very good! NOW we are getting somewhere.
So is ABCBelieve it or not,
CNN is posting a story of how the gunman had 3 gunshot wounds, 1 of which was his own, and the other 2 from a good guy with a gun. I shit you not.
Ohhhhh kay big fella! What ever you say man. I won't tell the nurse.Maybe you do. I don't do drugs.
Former NRA Instructor Used AR-15 To Shoot Texas Church Gunman As He Was Reloading His Weapon
Stephen Willeford shot and chased the man who killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday. He spoke to 40/29 News in an exclusive sit-down interview on Monday.
Willeford was at home when his daughter came into his bedroom to tell him she heard gunshots at the First Baptist Church nearby.
Willeford, a former NRA instructor, got his rifle out of his safe while his daughter looked outside again. She ran back in and told him she saw a man in black tactical gear shooting up the church.
"I kept hearing the shots, one after another, very rapid shots - just 'pop pop pop pop' and I knew every one of those shots represented someone, that it was aimed at someone, that they weren't just random shots," Willeford said."
Willeford loaded his magazine and ran across the street to the church, not even taking the time to put on shoes. When Willeford saw the gunman, he exchanged gunfire.
"He saw me and I saw him," Willeford said. "I was standing behind a pickup truck for cover."
"I know I hit him," Willeford said. "He got into his vehicle, and he fired another couple rounds through his side window. When the window dropped, I fired another round at him again."
Man who shot Texas church gunman shares his story
Must not have asked me before posting that.Kristof goes on to say:
Look, we all agree on some kinds of curbs on guns. Nobody believes that people should be able to drive a tank down Main Street, or have an anti-aircraft gun in the back yard. I’ve been to parts of northern Yemen where one could actually buy a tank or an anti-aircraft gun, as well as fully automatic weapons — and that area’s now embroiled in a civil war – but fortunately in America we have agreed to ban those kinds of weaponry.
But apparently he is unaware of nygf because I know I ain't the only one here that would like full auto, not to mention an AA gun! Duh! Fudds!
Calling saving lives a "vigilante act" is like saying that fire extinguishers are putting FDNY out of business.And more...
Mr. Trump, who spoke favorably as a candidate of vigilante shootouts for self-defense, also suggested that if a civilian had not briefly exchanged shots with the Texas shooter after the massacre, the casualty toll “would have been much worse.” The implication was that the bloodshed in Texas, which also included more than 20 wounded, actually makes the case for more guns — that the disease of gun violence is also its cure. This is a fantasy, not a rational argument; it doesn’t bear the slightest scrutiny.
Opinion | Mass Shootings Don’t Have to Be Inevitable