So child molestors should also get a second shot ?? Just as any other felon. Where is the line to be drawn ?
Who draws the line? Who decides? When is a Right truly a Right? If it is a Right, then the Gov't, and laws, cannot revoke them! As crazy as it may seem, otherwise they would have written that into the Constitution and I'm having a hard time finding that part, where Rights are revoked upon any conviction. You can take a hundred scenarios including a Child Rapist or Predator, arsonist, rapist, murderer, etc. Second chance as you say is actually the first, Rights are there at birth. Who decides otherwise? Men?...
Society of today is bad enough without every banger, cracker, and psycho having unfettered access to firearms.
Society today, is actually much better than at the time the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written. So you have to take into context that even in an environment that could be considered much worse than today, the framers of our constitution identified these Rights and the 2nd in particular, to include "Shall Not Be Infringed". And your "unfettered" access statement reeks of Progressivism. There's some neural pathways that's crossed somewhere in your brain! Unless of course you're talking about those gun show loopholes and heaven forbid, private sales and ghost guns, OH MY! Just lol...
There is no half way to paradise! Either there is, or there isn't... Strict scrutiny applies to "ALL" Rights, or they aren't Rights at all, but conveniences dispensed to the masses by the ruling elite under ever changing and more arduous circumstances and encumberences to obtain!