.308 Win
Then there is the coincidence theorist's. Everything that happens is by sheer coincidence, Corruption, bribes, self interest, backroom deals manufactured news stories , desire for power, staged events , do not really happen or we would know all about it.
They tend to take the news as factual , indisputable sources of information while dismissing police and eyewitness accounts as unbelievable.
They tend to believe things like ISIS is so powerful that the west just doesn't have the manpower to defeat these super men .
Police don't lie.
politicians are not influenced by lobbyists
That the military arms contractors don't depend on war to make a profit.
Corporation s give large sums of money to politicians without asking anything in return
Cannot differentiate between fact , evidence or opinions
Is not aware that the history of government from ancient times to present were full of corruption
Is not aware that people can be manipulated through information
Is not aware that government has used false stories to gain support for their own position while suppressing stories that don't.
Has no awareness of how intelligence agencies operate, or how they are used.
Has no understanding of behavior modification through information or propaganda
Is not aware that the official government 911 story of 19 hijackers from the Mideast that was planned for years to attack NYC was in fact a conspiracy
the conspiracy theorist who believe that powerful people that have a lot of influence actually use that power to maintain or grow that influence.
Actually use evidence to support their ideas ,
Almost always lacks the information needed to prove his theory because the information is classified .
Supports the idea that JFK was not killed by a single madman and has a tremendous amount of information supporting his Idea, but lacks the classified information to prove it.
Is completely aware that the media has become a branch of government , and has its agents working throughout it.
That information is controlled .
Classic false dichotomy.