.700 Nitro Express
If you ask those people they *know* it will happen in 19xx/20xx or whatever. They are almost certainly wrong, but to them that knowledge is as certain as anything.If that's your definition, that's fine. I'm just going with the standard English definition.
Can't tell you how many people "belive the resurrection will happen in 19XX/20XX."
And I actually defined religious for you.
Nobody ever really *knows* anything, they just believe. I believe gravity follows the inverse square law, but do I really *know* it does ?
You provided a definition of religion that isn't useful for the purpose you state.
Should schools stop serving spaghetti for lunch ?
Isn't that illegally promoting pastafarianism in your view ?
If Spaghetti for lunch is OK, how about a school that changes it's menu to accommodate halal diets, can they tell everyone they can't eat pork because a couple students don't like it ?