.308 Win
My Brother and I are in a contest next weekend, hope to just put points on the board.
Do what I use to do up untill late 90's. Fill gas tank, take a LONG drive all day (day light) (Things look different come night) looking for good spots to call, write them down making a chart of like 40+ call spots. When you get home rewrite the long list chart in a pattern to drive in a same direction making your rounds so as NOT to need to go out of your way for miles. Understand? Put a sign in window your COYOTE hunting for LEO's.... Never say your Fox hunting, Some land owners etc... Don't care for yotes, but DO NOT like ya shooting Fox. Good luck. The sign HELPS.... Things get tricky when a LEO see's ya coming out with guns at 2:00am etc... TRUST ME, BEEN THERE !!!! One more thing ALWAYS take a buddy hunting preds at night, Things can go wrong in deep winters, I got out of truck to cross ditch at road side once only to find out I went 4ft. down with water under snow flowing in me, My buddy laughed like hell but had to pull me out, And had drunks on other nights pull over by our truck etc... Had few LEO times they went wrong with guns drawn on us etc... Be safe and THINK at night times 1:00am hours.... See and hear some awesome stuff though, shooting stars etc... Weird sounds etc..
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