.450/400 Nitro Ex
Could be.One thing with Washington, I think they pulled back on the retard reins just enough to keep SCOTUS from ruling against it: they didn't BAN semi-auto rifles. They classified them and added requirements to own/purchase them. An outright ban would have pretty much destroyed the bill, but by not banning them and "just" regulating them, it left Dems right against the line.
But lots of ways around that. Mandate training, registration, insurance, good cause, etc. etc.
SCOTUS said we are legally allowed to have a hand gun. Yet, look in my safe there isn't one. Why? I'm still waiting on the permit.
SCOTUS has never said we are allowed to have rifles. Mandating 4-reference permits and training on those could certainly pass muster in a democratic legislature.
FFL for ammo
Those little serial number thingies in gun powder.
DEC minimum safe shooting distance 1000 feet
So many ways to make it hard on gun owners.
Well that's easy, all ammo has a 20% tax to help pay for it.
Literally impossible to read this without it being in accent.Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.