.308 Win
Why dont we ever hear about how they are going to take away guns from the bad guys? It is always about going after the law abiding gun owners.
The GOP did in fact pass HR 38 in the House. It failed in the Senate because Schumer stopped it. The GOP only had a simple majority in the Senate and that only works for a few types of legislative nuclear option issues. The GOP did NOT have control of the Senate with less than 60 votes. Bitch all you want but all they can do without Schumer is Budget tied resolutions, some treaty type stuff, and Nuclear Option appointments.Good! This is the fault of these NRA rated Republicans! If they were really A+ rated, they would have done something when they were in power. The did not do shit! They suck and they lost their jobs. Good.
If the Democrats get this crap passed in the House, good for them; at least they have the balls to do what they say are going to do.
None of this will pass in the Senate and defiantly will not be signed by the President.
Again, the time has passed for the GOP to actually use the power!
The GOP did in fact pass HR 38 in the House. It failed in the Senate because Schumer stopped it. The GOP only had a simple majority in the Senate and that only works for a few types of legislative nuclear option issues. The GOP did NOT have control of the Senate with less than 60 votes. Bitch all you want but all they can do without Schumer is Budget tied resolutions, some treaty type stuff, and Nuclear Option appointments.
The only thing that would be a legitimate bitch would be McConnell did not Nuclear Option HR 38 but McCain, Flake, and a few others were afraid of the consequences of the Senate becoming a simple majority body for all legislation with Dems in charge.
edit - The last 3 times any party had the House, the President, and a filibuster proof Senate were the Demoncraps which proved to be a disaster overall for the country in terms of the military, jobs, debt, etc (the first two years of LBJ 65-66, the first two years of Jimmy Carter 77-78, and the first two years of Obama 09-10)
Hahhahha Schumer didnt stop it, Paul Ryan killed it
Bum dope. Starting with Ryan being the Senate Majority leader .... really?, your reluctance to acknowledge the Nuclear Option was limited to appointments because of future Dem retaliation (including easily undoing retropocity post trump), there was also a clean retropocity which Schumer demanded to be fillabustered, Hudson added amendments that some dems in the Senate claimed they would cross the aisle to approve but Schumer and Feinstein threatened all their PAC reelection financing. Really. Schummer did not block it ... get serious.1. Hudson a REPUBLICAN introduced the bill with the bump stock and fix NICS.
2. Paul Ryan the REPUBLICAN Senate majority leader stopped it from coming to vote. Schumer the Minority Leader cannot do that but he took credit for it like they all do.
3. If the issue was opposition for the fix NICS bill (which was only holding states responsible for not reporting prohibited persons into the database and providing funding for small organizations that don't have the manpower to keep up the reporting efficiently) or the bump stock nonsense, it could have been struck from the bill or a new bill could have been drafted without it and passed.
4. Cornyn's Senate Reciprocity Bill which didn't have additions was also allowed to die.
5. The Nuclear Option can be used for anything. It isn't just for voting in nominations.
Bum dope? Fuck you. When did I turn this into name calling?Bum dope. Starting with Ryan being the Senate Majority leader .... really?, your reluctance to acknowledge the Nuclear Option was limited to appointments because of future Dem retaliation (including easily undoing retropocity post trump), there was also a clean retropocity which Schumer demanded to be fillabustered, Hudson added amendments that some dems in the Senate claimed they would cross the aisle to approve but Schumer and Feinstein threatened all their PAC reelection financing. Really. Schummer did not block it ... get serious.
Spoken like a true Schummer fanboy or a Sharpe cheerleader. The reality is that the body of voters in screwed up States like New York (that includes us) putting in the likes of Gillibrand, Schummer et al in the Senate are more to blame for this mess than Paul Ryan. Sitting on a forum bitching, maybe wasting a vote now and then in protest, and not getting involved is a FUDD move. The last Congress did not create the infringement challenges coming up, lazy ass gun owners and Fudds got outplayed by a rag tag bunch of SJWs, hippies, anti gun moms, and progressive socialists wiiling to do whatever it took.Dude we get it you suck at the tit if the GOP because they are perfect and Reagan is probably like jesus or something.
Ah yes the dems are what got us in the shit show of anti 2a think we have, not Reagan or bush or bush or the NRA or well the list goes on
Spoken like a true Schummer fanboy or a Sharpe cheerleader. The reality is that the body of voters in screwed up States like New York (that includes us) putting in the likes of Gillibrand, Schummer et al in the Senate are more to blame for this mess than Paul Ryan. Sitting on a forum bitching, maybe wasting a vote now and then in protest, and not getting involved is a FUDD move. The last Congress did not create the infringement challenges coming up, lazy ass gun owners and Fudds got outplayed by a rag tag bunch of SJWs, hippies, anti gun moms, and progressive socialists.
Nope you bored me. It was not worth the effort to go nuts responding.Hahahah you sound butt hurt that hour Reagan and NRA took away more gun rights than Cuomo has.
I see you side stepped my option 2 because well I get it your shit party is a tough pill to swallow.
Nope you bored me. It was not worth the effort to go nuts responding.
Never called you a name. You likely typed before your brain worked. RYAN Senate majority leader ... come on ... you know better.Bum dope? Fuck you. When did I turn this into name calling?
Keep believing in the red tape and BS that they feed you.
Got to get past the Fillabuster to vote. The 60 votes is to stop the Fillabuster. When they Fillabuster they do not have to go on record as voting for or against.Oh noooo Democrats wont vote on it,
So the fuck what. Bring it to a vote anyways.
2 options,
1) DOA. No vote, doesnt get passed..... GOP fuck bois get to claim it's the Democrats fault and pretend their party actually cares about the 2A
2) bring it to a vote it fails, draft up something different, and now we see what Republicans with A+ NRA ratings actually vote pro 2A
Got to get past the Fillabuster to vote. The 60 votes is to stop the Fillabuster. When they Fillabuster they do not have to go on record as voting for or against.
Dont forget the NRA and most Republicans do not want national reciprocity.
Can you prove that?
I mean prove it ... most Republicans .... please show us. Show us the NRA spending ads, and letter campaigns agaimst national retropocity too while you are at it.
We anxiously wait for the facts that support your informed opinion.