I'm trying to correlate your comment with the previous statement that Biden could not have won the "record number of votes".
As far as I was aware, the "record number of votes" was the popular vote. ie: each person counted. That information can be tabulated in many ways. The statement was that he "won" only 16.7% of the Counties in the United States.
so you're telling us that 16.7% of the Counties in the United States account for over 80 milion people?
2018 Census Data is the most recent posted, at least that I could find anyways, here is that table for 2018 by county
I popped it in R quick and summed it up, PR removed.
PopulationData <- read_csv("ACSDT5Y2018.B01003_data_with_overlays.csv")
PopulationData <- as.data.frame( dplyr::filter(PopulationData, !grepl('Puerto',AreaName)))
CountyCount <- nrow(PopulationData)
PopulationData$Tiled <- ntile(PopulationData$popest2018, 1000)
PopulationData$Top167County <- ifelse(PopulationData$Tiled >= (1000-167),"Yes","No")
aggregate(PopulationData$popest2018, list(population = PopulationData$Top167County), FUN = sum)
> CountyCount
[1] 3142
> table(PopulationData$Top167County)
No Yes
2615 527
Top167County x
1 No 74480795
2 Yes 248422235
The top 16.7% of 3142 counties have over 248 Million people, so yes, they do account for over 80 million people... and significantly so.
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