Software Glitch Caused 6,000 Votes to Switch From Trump to Biden in One MI County — 47 MI Counties Used This Software
Michigan GOP Chair: 47 of Michigan counties used the same software that caused 6,000 votes in one county to switch from Trump to Biden. “These counties that used this software need to closely…www.toptradeguru.com
UPDATE: Michigan’s Antrim County flipped to a win for Donald Trump after an election-software glitch was fixed today. Revised totals now show that Trump won by an estimated 2,500 votes. Michigan’s GOP Chairwoman, Laura Cox is calling for 47 other counties in Michigan to “closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.”
BREAKING NEWS: Statewide order in PA has been issued, calling into question whether thousands or tens of thousands of ballots are being handled properly and fairly. These ballots will be segregated and reviewed.
— Jillian Anderson (@Jillie_Alexis) November
So trump won Michigan and there might be a chance?![]()
Software Glitch Caused 6,000 Votes to Switch From Trump to Biden in One MI County — 47 MI Counties Used This Software
Michigan GOP Chair: 47 of Michigan counties used the same software that caused 6,000 votes in one county to switch from Trump to Biden. “These counties that used this software need to closely…www.toptradeguru.com
UPDATE: Michigan’s Antrim County flipped to a win for Donald Trump after an election-software glitch was fixed today. Revised totals now show that Trump won by an estimated 2,500 votes. Michigan’s GOP Chairwoman, Laura Cox is calling for 47 other counties in Michigan to “closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.”
And he’s dead in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
And he’s dead in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Brainwashing is very strong. The left controls all means of propaganda, and that sort of programming is hard to break.Elections have consequences.
More republican voters should have come out to vote.
I do not wish evil and pain upon all...I do however, wish it upon all that supported the wrong team and those who have done nothing to advance this nation.
The only way to repair what is now seriously broken, is a real, honest to gods reset.
This reset may or may not come. It is going to hurt either way.
People need to mentally and physically prepare for what storm is coming.
My empathy and sympathy for my fellow Americ has just about disappeared.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
A good read folks on all the red flags that jump out causing Joe to win.....
Claims some districts had a 200 percent turnout
never saw a positive story about trump....Hell they wanted to impeach him day one ...Brainwashing is very strong. The left controls all means of propaganda, and that sort of programming is hard to break.
Its comforting to me that MY President isn't a quitter.
The thing about banana republics is that any evidence of wrongdoing is suppressed until they have consolidated power to the point that it is too late to make a difference.
When it comes to an election, the onus is on the government to demonstrate that it is legitimate.
When someone makes an accusation of fraud, the government needs an answer for why it couldn't happen. Simply saying "people are being honest and not doing that" just doesn't cut it.
Honestly at this point the Republicans should have just said "fine, you don’t think there is room for fraud, I guess we need to prove it can happen. BTW, Trump got 114% of the popular vote. Maybe we should re-do this with some better protection measures now".
There are things coming to the surface. I'm sure there are things happening behind the scene that you and I, as well as the American people, are not privy too. Yes, these things need to play out. It isn't that easy to just all at once say, "Here it is." There seem to be so many little things not adding up compared to one big incident. A lot of little things add up to a big thing. I would think they want to make sure they have iron clad evidence before they jump the gun and look like Fox giving AZ to Biden shortly after the polls closed. If there is nothing there, there is nothing there. It just makes sense to make sure there isn't. Especially when you see things like this. Michigan Republican, Down 104 Votes, Wins by 1,127 After ‘Glitch’ Fixed | News BreakSo you think the Republican secretary of state in Georgia would just sit on his hands if there was credible evidence of widespread voter fraud?
To what point and why?
If the Trump people have some credible evidence of election swinging fraud why aren't they bringing it to court instead of making excuses and bitching on social media and TV?
I would posit because it doesn't exist and they're throwing a tantrum.
It doesn't surprise me to see that the votes of people who were less likely to vote in person voted moreso for Biden than Trump. Why do you find it odd?
I think amongst a huge turnout Trump did very, very well and does still have a chance to win albeit slim. And I am glad to see it was not a Biden landslide. But I'm (once again- surprise surprise) not convinced by the conspiracy hyperbole. Because it ISNT CONVINCING when you say "oh its real but I cant prove it because THEY don't want you to know."
The link you posted flashes for 2 seconds and then said page not found ,,, censorshipThere are things coming to the surface. I'm sure there are things happening behind the scene that you and I, as well as the American people, are not privy too. Yes, these things need to play out. It isn't that easy to just all at once say, "Here it is." There seem to be so many little things not adding up compared to one big incident. A lot of little things add up to a big thing. I would think they want to make sure they have iron clad evidence before they jump the gun and look like Fox giving AZ to Biden shortly after the polls closed. If there is nothing there, there is nothing there. It just makes sense to make sure there isn't. Especially when you see things like this. Michigan Republican, Down 104 Votes, Wins by 1,127 After ‘Glitch’ Fixed | News Break