Why is software, with it's well known propensity for being hacked, even being used for something like this?
You answered your own question.
Why is software, with it's well known propensity for being hacked, even being used for something like this?
I find that claim highly questionable.Conversing with someone on the 72+ Million Strong group as we speak. We are discussing the so called raid on the servers. I posted the links to the article questioning whether it had happened or not. Now, I don't know him from Adam but he just said a son of one of his friends was on the mission and they did it last night. FWIW.
Motivated reasoning is a phenomenon studied in cognitive science and social psychology that uses emotionally-biased reasoning to produce justifications or make decisions that are most desired rather than those that accurately reflect the evidence, while still reducing cognitive dissonance. In other words, motivated reasoning is the "tendency to find arguments in favor of conclusions we want to believe to be stronger than arguments for conclusions we do not want to believe".[1]
Motivated reasoning is similar to confirmation bias, where evidence that confirms a belief (which might be a logical belief, rather than an emotional one) is either sought after more or given more credibility than evidence that disconfirms a belief. It stands in contrast to critical thinking where beliefs are approached in a skeptical and unbiased fashion.
It can lead to forming and clinging to false beliefs despite substantial evidence to the contrary. The desired outcome acts as a filter that affects evaluation of scientific evidence and of other people.
Hopefully there isn't a fee for the consultation lol. Some of you also believe absolutely anything when it comes to the scamdemic. Anything at all. BTW, I think many of us have prefaced what is posted with, "Not sure if this is true, FWIW, etc.." You can be skeptical while still being hopeful. I'm just grateful there are folks like you to keep us wishful thinkers grounded.Nobody raided any servers. Some of you will believe absolutely anything when it comes to this stuff. Anything at all.
Heard it is covered 50% co-insurance if you use a preferred pre-approved provider under the new mandatory single payer Bidencare after your $10,000 deductible is met and $50 co-payHopefully there isn't a fee for the consultation lol. Some of you also believe absolutely anything when it comes to the scamdemic. Anything at all.
BREAKING: Republican Young Kim wins election to U.S. House in California’s 39th Congressional District, beating incumbent Rep. Gil Cisneros. #APracecall at 5:36 p.m. PST. #Election2020 #CAelection Election 2020
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) November 14, 2020
I can’t keep you grounded. You aren’t skeptical whatsoever else you wouldn’t post endless fabrications made up on the spot by somebody looking to have a laugh.Hopefully there isn't a fee for the consultation lol. Some of you also believe absolutely anything when it comes to the scamdemic. Anything at all. BTW, I think many of us have prefaced what is posted with, "Not sure if this is true, FWIW, etc.." You can be skeptical while still being hopeful. I'm just grateful there are folks like you to keep us wishful thinkers grounded.
False reports claim election servers were seized in Germany
Social media users Saturday were sharing reports published by conservative websites claiming servers that would reveal wrongdoing in the U.S. election had been confiscated by U.S. military forces in Germany.apnews.com
Put in a good word for me on the group, I'd like to see more.
Same here.
Are you on Slavebook? It is a good group. Lots of good info.
I watched that interview and was disappointed when it became apparent he was commenting on info he received from yet another tweet...So a US Senator lied about the seizure on a massively watched new channel?
Best article I've read in a while thanks for posting.![]()
The Biblical Book of Esther Playing Out Again Today
Four years of unconscionable, duplicitous, manipulative, manufactured attempts by the ruling class to get rid of the unacceptable outsider Trump seems poised to achieve success. The deplorables who dared in 2016 to elect Trump in defiance ...www.americanthinker.com
Here's a novel idea. You are free not to be impacted by anything some of us post. Why does it bother you to the point that you feel you have to waste any part of your intellect to respond and tell us how ridiculous they may be? I get it. You are jaded and don't buy into anything unless you think it is worthy of posting. Anything else you want to hash out?I can’t keep you grounded. You aren’t skeptical whatsoever else you wouldn’t post endless fabrications made up on the spot by somebody looking to have a laugh.
this thread is fast becoming like the coronavirus one in which you will post anything without giving it one split second of consideration as to validity—not even bother googling, which in most cases would instantly debunk it.
you guys have posted so many outright fabrications. Things you know now are bullshit. Do we need to list them out? The silly outrageous claims made in the past week so easily debunked?Why do you keep posting more? All the other 10-20 stories were false but this one—this one must be it!
Why do I have the feeling January 20th will roll around and Trump will still be saying "big things about to come out. STAY TUNED!"?
Huh?If President Trump's lawsuits proceed, there will be no Inauguration on January 20th at all.
Nor should there be.