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It might be the end of the RNC and the DNC - but only if we're really lucky.I'm really hoping this is the end for her and the DNC.
Hillary and Andy can share a transgender prison cell.
Only for the prison guards.Ummm...."cruel and unusual punishment" is unconstitutional. Sorry.
Nope.Could he be growing a set ?
Comey defied Lynch in telling Congress about renewed Hillary probe | New York Post
Honestly I think it might be something like her taking money from the Chinese for favors . ie treason.
I think you're spot on. Like I said previously, I think that once this stuff left DC and turned up in the NY field office, all the extraordinary controls to prevent leaks were gone. Whatever they found was seen by a lot of rank and file agents and staff, and its only a mater of time before someone talks.I suspect That there is something he can no longer hide and if he tries to, he will be arrested by his own agency. I think he had to make a move or go down with her .
People are so screwed up and in love with their candidate (in this case Hillary) that I doubt even that would cause them to change their vote. Hopefully this will be enough for those on the margin that she doesn't win....but I'm not holding my breath. If we are lucky, this will cause enough of those 'leaning Hillery' to stay home....Don't let him fool you, Comeys a bad seed . He had more than enough evidence to go to court the first time. , and he didn't.The FBI destroyed evidence under his direction. He also let this bombshell out on Friday , the best day to let bad news out . I suspect That there is something he can no longer hide and if he tries to, he will be arrested by his own agency. I think he had to make a move or go down with her .
Honestly I think it might be something like her taking money from the Chinese for favors . ie treason.
It's true. A large portion of the country is actually irredeemable. They will vote for their candidate regardless of anything that candidate has done.People are so screwed up and in love with their candidate (in this case Hillary) that I doubt even that would cause them to change their vote. Hopefully this will be enough for those on the margin that she doesn't win....but I'm not holding my breath. If we are lucky, this will cause enough of those 'leaning Hillery' to stay home....
There is already evidence that she and Bill took money for favors, just look at the Clinton Foundation...and yet that has made little difference to her supporters...