So, I am the bad guy because I searched around to find an FFL that would do the transfer? Me getting my lower was important to me, it affected me; therefore, I did what work needed to be done to get the product that I wanted.
Selling of guns, yep, that brought in cash for me, so I searched for FFL's that would take the sold guns and were willing to complete the deal.
See how that works? When something matters to me, I do what needs to be done.
Nope I'm glad you were able to get what you wanted and that your FFL has flown under the radar. That's great..
I'm happy for you,
I'm sad for those who don't have that in their area, for those who cant get their first gun, or found an awesome sale but cant get it, or found that unicorn gun on gun broker but cant close the sale because they dont have an FFL near them.
Or or oR just because there may be one even just one simple possibility that someone somewhere in this state cannot Keep and Bear Arms because of the govenor and the state shutting down gun stores.
That actually really makes me mad, to think, even if only one person was affected, and even if I dont know them and may never know them, that doesn't sit right with me because, again I actually believe in and support the 2A .....
But I get it you dont care if others are infringed on and long as you dont feel you are infringed upon..