The damage the shooter caused will probably cost more to repair than the thugs were getting anyway.From what was presented, absolutely not a situation where I would have shot when he did. They were leaving and essentially the threat had passed. Be a good witness at that point. A wallet and car can be replaced. Best case scenario, he hit one and then still gets to pay an attorney to see if justifiable shoot. Again. Material items can be replaced. Threaten myself or those close to me and its probably a different scenario.
Couldn't tell what the traffic looked like outdoors to see if others were in line of fire.
Legality is going to depend on where this occurred so I'm not going to opine on that.
I think we all agree there was a point during the encounter when he would have been fully justified in shooting.I would have shot during this situation.
I would like to say, first and foremost, I would have hit and stopped both of them.
Second, I would not have shot after they were leaving and the threat was gone. You shoot to stop the threat, not to be a cowboy.
I vote for not a good shoot and he will be prosecuted under the law. (Depending on the State in which this occurred)
They were leaving and it appeared that the threat was ending.
So, it was dumb to shoot then.
There were 2 armed assailants, did this guy really want to get into a gunfight that could have been avoided by just standing there for another 30 secs ?
He also dumped the mag and apparently didn't hit anything worth shooting. Who knows where those rounds ended up, but I'm sure the owner of the properties aren't going to be happy about the repairs they will need to do.
So not only dumb, but incompetent.
As for legality, that depends on where this happened. At the very least the shooter should be on the hook for the repairs.
Active self protection did a whole video on this shoot.. I sadly can't find it
I don't understand your disagreement.I like watching Active self protection videos .. but the one thing i really hate is when he says .. everyone should carry unless your prohibited .. WTF !!!!
the 2 robbing the fkin store really one with a gun .. what the fuck is going to stop that more fking gun laws ..![]()
I don't understand your disagreement. everyone should carry unless prohibited.the 2 robbing are probably prohibited but have a gun .. so his statement is the same as im for 2A BUT!!! ..