.475 A&M Magnum
You are fine. You, like myself and many others, obviously grew up in a time and place where young men were expected to act like young men
Yeah things were different in the 70s... Part of your post made me think of this below LOL.
No helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves or helicopter parents.

In the picture below I would bet good money that the last couple of kids on the ground didn't suffer a fractured pelvis.
Probably just some bruises and some good laughs.

Young kids and teenagers are NOT made of glass. As far as the teenager in OP's video goes.
Probably the only thing that got hurt was his pride. If he had any to start with.
We are all from different times. Have had different life experiences. And we have different opinions on this subject.
The penal code "may" describe the chair kicking incident as an assault.
But I agree with that as much as I agree with the penal code saying that some semi autos are "assault weapons"
Just because it's in the penal code doesn't make it right IMO.