Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
The key word is "Comfortable."I'm not going to even try to speculate on how much of his account is truthful versus fabricated. That's a futile endeavour.
A good holster/carry setup is important, but it’s not foolproof (which you seem to acknowledge). Trigger awareness is important, but it takes just one momentary lapse for that ‘safety’ system to be bypassed. That’s why I think redundant safety features and a pro-active mindset to avoid ND’s are important.
If some people are able to convince themselves that they can safely and effectively operate and holster/unholster a non-safety striker-fired pistol because of their experiences in a range setting, that’s their call. For my purposes, that’s not a sufficient benchmark. If I’m not comfortable operating/carrying a pistol when I’m cold, hungry and tired in the middle of the wilderness, then I’m not carrying it period.
You said, " If I’m not comfortable operating/carrying a pistol when I’m cold, hungry and tired in the middle of the wilderness, then I’m not carrying it period."
I am many others am. Just because you experience discomfort, it doesn't mean everyone else feels that same discomfort but convinces themselves that they don't.