The stock market is tanking +/- 2 of 2020. Be prepared.
The stock market is tanking +/- 2 of 2020. Be prepared.
My .02 cents.. Is I'm not sure what is more likely
I whole heartedly agree our economy is artificially propped up and inflated at unsustainable levels.
I think other adversarial countries want the USD to be replaced as the world currency and they are actively strategizing and working to accomplish this now.
I think it's more likely that we get into a war wit China first to stop our currency from,being replaced than it is just a solely independent economic collapse.
I think it's going to be 2 parts. I think us and China will square off in the next 6 years. Winner is world's only super power, loser is in economic and civil ruin.
But like @Blimey I continue to pump money into 401k and stocks hoping that I'm wrong and my investment pays off.
@masterswimmer . I do have money in the market. Honestly, I hope I'm wrong.
Yeah, many presidents have added to the national debt however its growth is now exponential and, imo, out of control. I dont see it being reeled back in.
So yeah, while I still invest in the markets, I have no expectation of seeing that money again. Maybe I'll get lucky. Who knows. As far as ETF's and REIT's go - hell to the nope.
I'm not suggesting people change their plans and strategies beyond stocking up on tangible sooner rather than later.
An somewhat-related analogy - when I was a kid every August my dad used to say, "mark my words, this year the Bill's are going to the Super Bowl." The first year he stopped saying it, they went to the Super Bowl. Hopefully by calling it in this instance it never happens. Just the opinion of one curmudgeon.
Is that a prediction or gut feeling or any other info to support it?
Im not being snarky just curious
It's been a rough month for the market
I'm calling it...
- USD loses status as world reserve currency
- US markets shut down after a week straight of losses and circuit breakers halting trading
- US economy tanks. Inflation skyrockets. Depression begins.
- US cedes financial control to oversight by IMF, World Bank, etc.
- People stop getting paid, violence erupts, UN steps in in support of 'financial stability' with peacekeeping forces to manage urban areas and control food production and distribution.
-US government forced to accept radical policies under threat of withdrawal of financial support. Among these are laws banning firearms ownership, restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly.
- Chaos ensues.
When I got the paper daily I checked metals, lead specifically, every day, now the newspaper is a poor shadow of what it once was and I occasionally buy one on Sunday for the NYT crossword puzzle, and didn't even look for it last week. Lead was my barometer, now I don't care.
Only advise I have, and I know this would be near impossible for some, get out of debt.
But if not being world reserve meant end of the economy every other country wouldn't have one.I think a rapid decline in the stock market, worse than 2008 is inevitable. This country is due for a reckoning based on our ridiculous levels of debt. There will be a massive correction in the markets and entitlement spending. Technically I have about 10 years before I can get full social security benefits. I don't plan on seeing any of that money. When inflation returns and the interest expense for the debt becomes one of the largest annual expenditures (if not THE largest line item) then something will have to be done - default is possible but carries all kinds of other risks. Spending will have to be cut.
There is a lot of talk about the dollar losing its status as the global reserve currency. China and Russia are actively working on this by buying every last ounce of gold on the market. However they have problems of their own. Russia's economy is a fraction the size of ours. China has grown very rapidly in the past 30 years but they have plenty of problems of their own. Essentially the chinese govt bribes its citizens with full employment. Businesses don't have to actually make a profit. If they can employ workers they will get loans from govt controlled banks. That's why they literally have cities with no one living in them. As long as construction crews employ young males they won't be in the streets protesting against the govt. If the US economy tanks, the impact will be felt all over the world, particularly in the nations that are dependent upon exports to the US for their well being (China). I could be wrong but I find it difficult to believe they will be successful in displacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
I do KNOW we'll have another massive stock market crash, but I think everybody believes that.
I'm calling it...
- USD loses status as world reserve currency
- US markets shut down after a week straight of losses and circuit breakers halting trading
- US economy tanks. Inflation skyrockets. Depression begins.
- US cedes financial control to oversight by IMF, World Bank, etc.
- People stop getting paid, violence erupts, UN steps in in support of 'financial stability' with peacekeeping forces to manage urban areas and control food production and distribution.
-US government forced to accept radical policies under threat of withdrawal of financial support. Among these are laws banning firearms ownership, restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly.
- Chaos ensues.
Against butter judgement I listened to some doomsayers in 2008 and made a few "let's get ahead of this" moves which in retrospect cost me a bit of money. Lots of people thought were were months away from eating babies and trapping rats for sustenance. For the most part though I just invested the recommended ~15% of my paycheck into my 401k, primarily in stocks, even when the market was crap and falling, and the market return since then has been remarkable. I'm happy that crash happened early on in my investing career because I have a different view of it all now. I've lost thousands this week in my 401k and I just look at it in mild interest. If the market really does explode down to 20-30% from its peak then the only thing I'll do is pull everything I have in bonds back into the market, because I really believe in it long term (and yes I realize this is also its own version of playing the market).FIFY.
That's a guaranty. We'll have crashes periodically as long as we have equity markets. How you position yourself before, during and after the crash will determine how you weather the storm.
People need to get this. If we shut down 100% of trade with China, after the hump we'd be back to paying $1000 for a TV instead of $300, but China would be back to living in huts. That's a simplified view, but they need us more than we need them.NO!
the US is the world Market place, if our economy fails then so do all.
If we cant buy, they cant sell.
Against butter judgement I listened to some doomsayers in 2008 and made a few "let's get ahead of this" moves which in retrospect cost me a bit of money. Lots of people thought were were months away from eating babies and trapping rats for sustenance. For the most part though I just invested the recommended ~15% of my paycheck into my 401k, primarily in stocks, even when the market was crap and falling, and the market return since then has been remarkable. I'm happy that crash happened early on in my investing career because I have a different view of it all now. I've lost thousands this week in my 401k and I just look at it in mild interest. If the market really does explode down to 20-30% from its peak then the only thing I'll do is pull everything I have in bonds back into the market, because I really believe in it long term (and yes I realize this is also its own version of playing the market).
We should have NYGF investing thread. I'm pretty behind in my investing. I'm 35 and didn't really start my career/investing until 5 years ago. I'm a numbers guy (engineer) and now how this has crippled me from starting out in my 20's.
I have been kicking around the idea of about getting some outside advice, because the guy that runs the company 401K doesn't seem to want to talk to me. What I really don't like is that I'm down for the year. Lets face it up until last month there should have been gains, but maybe that's a wrong assumption.
I once had a geography teacher that explained why the U.S. is, and will remain, the place for investors throughout the world: The rule of law.
In many places in the world, property rights are not secure. You may get great tax breaks to build a factory in another country. Especially, in "third world" countries. But, you don't know if the government there will nationalize your assets and seize your property on a whim.
As long as we remain a nation firmly rooted in the rule of law, we should be fine. If the Liberal Progressives make serious inroads towards their end game of Communism, where private property is abolished, we may see that change.
I once had a geography teacher that explained why the U.S. is, and will remain, the place for investors throughout the world: The rule of law.
In many places in the world, property rights are not secure. You may get great tax breaks to build a factory in another country. Especially, in "third world" countries. But, you don't know if the government there will nationalize your assets and seize your property on a whim.
As long as we remain a nation firmly rooted in the rule of law, we should be fine. If the Liberal Progressives make serious inroads towards their end game of Communism, where private property is abolished, we may see that change.