stuck in ny
Well, considering that if they had won I'm sure Hitlery would have had you disarmed or killed and Cruz would have had americans coming home in body bags after the next zionist land grab, Trump seems like a "savior" to my mind.Every Agency has been political for a long time, it is not the Obama effect. Intelligence agencies are a very political breed, especially when you can twist or just make up intelligence. Trump will not, I will say it again, he will not be taking down any intelligence agency. He has been handed powers that our Founding Fathers fought against. These powers have been ever growing, growing in earnest from WWII on.
He has nominated Pompeo for CIA Director, just another continuation of the western controlled "terrorism". Trump has gone above and beyond with receiving briefings from private companies who are part of the Military Industrial Complex. Trump is not a savior, nor is he a refreshing breath. He is just a rebranded product that the public refused to buy. Just look at his nominees, a majority of them were recommended by Kissinger. They worked with Kissinger as well, Kissinger who is a war criminal.