How often do you clean your firearms? I tend to clean my pistols after each use but I'm not as prompt with my long guns. I actually enjoy doing it too so that helps.
I don't really have any set amounts. Sometimes it's after a range outing of 500 rounds, other times it's after 50 rounds. Other times it's never. It all depends on how lazy I am, how much time I have, and how much I need to "get away" and get some time in the garage.
Cant stand cleaning guns. I still have my original 1/2 bottle of HOPPS #9 that I bought in Jamesway. Old glass bottle with a rusted screw on cap. Paid a $1.99
I believe Jamesway closed its doors in March of 1996
How often do you clean your firearms? I tend to clean my pistols after each use but I'm not as prompt with my long guns. I actually enjoy doing it too so that helps.
I picked this thing up for my safe and it works very well. I plug it in every 3-4 months overnight to "recharge" it long as we are on the subject of cleaning is there any suggestions about storage? My long range Remingtons have been stored in drag bags for several years.They are regularly cleaned and oiled as I have always done but I don't shoot as much as I use to sometimes up to a year or more.I had used silica gel bags stored in the bags but they are getting worn out now and I was wondering if there were any alternatives or should I just go by new silica gel. Incase you didn't know good silica bags can be renewed by heating in an oven at approx 150 degrees for 6 hours to remove the absorbed moisture
Lockdown Silica Gel 450g, Bag
Not really expensive but have always worked not having a vault I have always used my bags
BLACKHAWK! Tactical Long Gun Drag Bag
Similarly, I HATE cleaning weapons because it reminds me of basic, sitting there in silence, knowing it won't be good enough for the DS, and then getting smoked. It's been..... almost 4 years since I was at basic, and I still hate cleaning, especially my ARpretty much it....I think it has to do with being forced to when serving next to Marines....then again, most of my armorers took care of me.