In NY State you have to take a course first to apply for a pistol permit.The same reason that getting a pistol permit doesn’t require a safety course.
In NY State you have to take a course first to apply for a pistol permit.The same reason that getting a pistol permit doesn’t require a safety course.
I posted the quesiton in order to address a firearm safety concern. Recently the NY DEC posted an article about target shooters in the woods who almost killed some pheasant hunters. Seems most of the gun owners on this forum do not hunt and do not care about learning about firearm safety.So what do you propose?? I doubt we will ever have to go through an approval board to purchase ammo. Maybe restrictions, but not i from of an approval or review board.
Also your original statement says it seems backwards that we don’t need a permit to purchase riffle or shotguns and we do for hunting or pistols. Your statement/question wasn’t clear.
and do not care about learning about firearm safety.
s. Seems most of the gun owners on this forum do not hunt and do not care about learning about firearm safet
No, I am not a troll. I just was concerned when I read the DEC article about some guys who apparently were not practicing safe firearm handling, almost accidentally killed a bunch of pheasant hunters. Just seemed to me like it would make sense for some new gun owners to take a firearm safety class before they go out shooting. Just like we teach people to drive, or to ride a motorcycle, etc.Are you sure your not a troll ? If your a troll ya gotta tell me since I asked.
You have nine posts and you think you have enough experience with this forum to make blanket statements about the membership?
I guess some instructors just emphasize hunting versus safety more then others. My class emphazised safety and even showed videos of people getting accidentally shot by hunters who did not practice safe shooting.Oh and the hunter ed course I took spent maybe an hour on firearms. Why would I need to spend an entire day learn hunting ethics and how to track a blood trail if I'm only interested in punching paper at long range?
I was reacting to some of the replys on this thread only. Not the entire forum. If you don't hunt and are not concerned about new gun owners having some sort of safety course no problem. That is a personal decision. I'm fine with that. I don't think it's fair to attack me because I asked an honest question. As a fellow gun owner and 2nd amendment supporter I should be offered some courtesy to express my concern about firearm safey. I've been in the woods after a hunt just hanging around camp with a bunch of fellow hunters and had stray bullets whizzing over our heads. Not fun.You have nine posts and you think you have enough experience with this forum to make blanket statements about the membership?
Great. No problem with that. I do the same thing.Oh come on.
Because some of us don’t GAF about taking a HUNTER SAFETY course?
thanks. I will stick with pistol skills and combat courses.
If the libs have their way it may come to that. lolI also prefer oversight of responsibility for safely exercising my constitutional rights at the personal rather than state level.
Should you have to take a state-run course to buy a printing press?
In NY State you have to take a course first to apply for a pistol permit.
You are really talking apples and oranges and seem to be hung up on the old liberal belief that Guns, hunting and the second amendment are somehow synonymous. They are not. The right to own guns, or weapons (arms) in general has nothing to do with hunting. Nothing, what. so. ever. Conversely, hunting is something not everyone can do or knows how to do. Yes, I'll give you that gun ownership has very serious responsibilities, but hunting is another animal all together. There is way more that can go wrong for people out in the woods hunting than for someone who just wants to own a long gun. In any case, I wouldn't worry too much. I am sure it won't be long before Cuomo and our beloved legislature pass mandatory firearm training just to exercise your second amendment rights. But as you said, you'd be okay with that. Yet you have the nerve to come on here and tell us we don't take the second amendment seriously....please, by all means, GET LOST. We don't need your crap.My point is, if you don't need anything to buy a rifle or shotgun, why do you need approval from the government to buy a pistol or to hunt. You funny guys didn't get my point. Cuomo will soon want you to go before an approval board to buy ammo next. I give up. No one takes anything seriously. That's why you are losing all of your 2nd amendment rights. It's just turning into a big joke to everyone. Bye, I don't need this crap.
I agree with your statement. The problem is that the libs are the ones comparing hunting to gun ownership. That is why they want to limit magazine capacity. The libs claim people don't need "X" numbers of bullets to hunt with. They do not seem to understand that some of us use firearms for personal protection and not just for hunting. Sorry if I offended you are anyone else. It was not my intent.You are really talking apples and oranges and seem to be hung up on the old liberal belief that Guns, hunting and the second amendment are somehow synonymous. They are not. The right to own guns, or weapons (arms) in general has nothing to do with hunting. Nothing, what. so. ever. Conversely, hunting is something not everyone can do or knows how to do. Yes, I'll give you that gun ownership has very serious responsibilities, but hunting is another animal all together. There is way more that can go wrong for people out in the woods hunting than for someone who just wants to own a long gun. In any case, I wouldn't worry too much. I am sure it won't be long before Cuomo and our beloved legislature pass mandatory firearm training just to exercise your second amendment rights. But as you said, you'd be okay with that. Yet you have the nerve to come on here and tell us we don't take the second amendment seriously....please, by all means, GET LOST. We don't need your crap.
Okay then. No worries and welcome to the forum. Guess I just misunderstood your angle.I agree with your statement. The problem is that the libs are the ones comparing hunting to gun ownership. That is why they want to limit magazine capacity. The libs claim people don't need "X" numbers of bullets to hunt with. They do not seem to understand that some of us use firearms for personal protection and not just for hunting. Sorry if I offended you are anyone else. It was not my intent.
Welcome to the land of misfits, curmudgeons and straight up assholes.
You beat me to it. Yes hunting requires a safety class, yet somebody is shot every year. Classes will end this as much as making new laws will stop crime.There are morons everywhere, and the woods are not exempt. No class will fix that. Taking gun safety seriously means you are (likely) not part of the simpleton squad. Think about it - the basic safety rules are common-sense, something most could easily determine with a notepad and 15 minutes to spare.
A few years back, we did a little after-work team building at a range in Texas. The place laid out a variety of handguns plus some full-auto rifles for us to enjoy. Mandatory safety-briefing beforehand. As soon as we head out to the line, one of the database guys grabs an uzi, wheels around and says "Hey guys, take my picture!" He swept the entire crew, plus some other customers. Not 5 minutes after sitting through the lecture. Just like everywhere else in life, otherwise smart people end up going temporary moron. You cannot mandate that away.
Only Westchester County requires it by PL 400. A few counties ignore PL 400 by making their applicant take the course, just because nobody has challenged it does not make it legal. Surprisingly NYC and long island don't make you take a course but do highly suggest it in their pistol license handbook.No you don’t. Only some counties require it.
lolWelcome to the land of misfits, curmudgeons and straight up assholes.
In NY State you have to take a course first to apply for a pistol permit.
In NY State you have to take a course first to apply for a pistol permit.
No, I am not a troll. I just was concerned when I read the DEC article about some guys who apparently were not practicing safe firearm handling, almost accidentally killed a bunch of pheasant hunters. Just seemed to me like it would make sense for some new gun owners to take a firearm safety class before they go out shooting. Just like we teach people to drive, or to ride a motorcycle, etc.
I thought it was required. I was mistaken. I stand corrected. Thanks for the info.Nope that's 100% a lie
That’s an awful bold statement from someone who just joined. Have you looked around? Have you viewed the hunting section?I posted the quesiton in order to address a firearm safety concern. Recently the NY DEC posted an article about target shooters in the woods who almost killed some pheasant hunters. Seems most of the gun owners on this forum do not hunt and do not care about learning about firearm safety.