Not sure if you saw the video i posted.. but haley is such a cool dude
A nice pair of gloves in general tends to be nice to go with an ak or you can really shread your hands to shit.
Has anyone else thought the 6.5 Grendel should become the universal AK caliber? Similar weight bullet in a cartridge with excellent ballistics, efficiency and low recoil that uses native Kalashnikov bolt face dimensions.
For me, I wouldn’t use 6.5 Grendel in an AK platform anyway. In a nice AR or bolt gun for sure. But just the inherent nature of an AK being less accurate than an AR (I’m not saying that AK’s can’t be accurate), I wouldn’t waste my money on the more expensive ammo for an AK. The cost of 7.62 is much nicer than paying for 6.5 Grendel.Never mind the taper is way different, closer to a 5.56 magazine..
I guess Vepr was making 6.5g guns..
Thanks Trump for banning vepr imports
Molot Vepr 6.5 Grendel Walnut Semi-Automatic 23" Barrel Rifle
Purchase the Molot Vepr AK 6.5 Grendel caliber 23.2" rifle today! The VPR-65G-03 semi-automatic 6.5 Grendel AK rifle looks very similar to the AK and uses a double stack 5 round magazine. Order your next 6.5 Grendel AK rifle online today from the AK experts at K-Var!
The moment when Jim Fuller (America’s AK God) walks on screen! lol Anyone that doesn’t know who Jim Fuller’re wrong. Haha. He ceated Rifle Dynamics and recently sold it and just opened up his new company Fuller Phoenix. He created a page for it, but there’s nothing really on it yet. But I’m sure there will be soon enough. LandingWhile I really love Polenar Tactical, I still stick with Travis for AK related things..
Id love to get to one of his AK classes (or any rifle class)
The moment when Jim Fuller (America’s AK God) walks on screen! lol Anyone that doesn’t know who Jim Fuller’re wrong. Haha. He ceated Rifle Dynamics and recently sold it and just opened up his new company Fuller Phoenix. He created a page for it, but there’s nothing really on it yet. But I’m sure there will be soon enough. Landing
What I would like to see is American made AK parts kits. Because the abomination of Russian parts kits are ridiculous.I'd like to see companies like Rifle Dynamics or Krebs Custom to offer that top quality FN barrel.
What I would like to see is American made AK parts kits. Because the abomination of Russian parts kits are ridiculous.The metal work on the carrier and bolt is not even close to AR level of machining. I don’t even understand why they aren’t made here, it’s not like they couldn’t be. America needs to make some high quality CNC machined or even forged AK parts for God’s sake. I’m glad that at least we started making some versions of the front sight/gas block. If they made more parts in America, it would make it that much easier for builds to be 922r compliant as well. View attachment 84208 View attachment 84209 View attachment 84210 View attachment 84211
I’m hoping so. It’ll be sweet.I'm thinking thats what will happen with Fuller/Haley new company.
I’m hoping so. It’ll be sweet.
Being on multiple AK forums the consensus is that Jim Fuller AKs are overrated with a price tag to reflect it. The key is quality components. Not who makes them.
I’m not sure I’d go with overrated as much as you’re probably spending more money for a product that has his name on it. But I would bet that his builds are on the higher end if not one of THE highest of quality. If you give two separate people the exact same parts to complete a rifle, the person with more experience and knowledge of the project is absolutely going to have a higher quality build. I wish I could go to one of Jim Fullers AK building classes. They’re so awesome. He teaches you and walks you through every step of the process. Then when it’s all done you get to take it to the range and test fire it, zero it, and run the shit out of it to make sure it’s good to go.Being on multiple AK forums the consensus is that Jim Fuller AKs are overrated with a price tag to reflect it. The key is quality components. Not who makes them.
Exactly! He was pretty much just a contract consultant for RD. I’m excited for his new company.Correction.. Ryfle Dynamics AKs are over rated..
Jim even mentioned in a video he doesnt do shit (well didnt) at RD and hasn't for years, he just sits around and collects a paycheck
That's subjectiveI know RD guns are going to be much better gassed
That's subjective
If the run unsurpassed wouldn't that mean the would be overgassed suppressed?No like RD guns are tuned to run both suppressed and unsupressed
Was that an AR and an AK firing the same cartridge ?In regards to reliability, as long as both are minimally kept clean (Which most people do), they are equal. The AK gets the edge on extremely poor maintenance however. I saw comparison videos which are over the top where one dude stuck a Hostess Twinkie in the AK action and it still fired and cycled.
Then you have the steel case issue. I never had an AK but had both an AR and an SKS. With the AR, I have had stuck cases in the chamber when the laquer melted. Never with the SKS. It was made for that and I’m sure the AK is as well.
No. Just talking in terms of reliability. Picking up one rifle compared to picking up another.Was that an AR and an AK firing the same cartridge ?
The 7.62x39 cartridge is inherently more reliably extracted than the 5.56 due to the wall angle.
The only reason 5.45 was ever a thing over here was due to the extremely low cost of imported 7n6 milsurp ammo.I kinda wish the 5.45 round had gotten popular here. It’s a fair analogue to 5.56, and gives an AK some nice characteristics. 7.62x39 is basically a .30-30 rimless with a shorter case, and is arguably too much gun. 5.45 has that nice soft shooting effect and would make AKs close to ARs for effective shooting here. It would bump them up a notch or two in competition at least.
ARs still have some inherent advantages, but were 5.45 more prevalent, I think it would narrow the gap.
That said, I’m still interested in...neither platform. I’m sorta stuck in WWII era or earlier stuff Garands and G41s perk me up a lot more. Even kinda intermediate round guns like a Carcano or the .276 Pedersen are nice curious things.