New York Man Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Armed Intruder
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I know you think all newspapers lie, but here's another example there are lots.. Yeah NY is a GREAT place to own a gun for protection..
Cohoes man charged in fatal shooting of home intruder
He's charged with endangering the welfare of a
Only way he could have been charged with a crime if this was NY is if he lacked a pistol permit, like in the case of the homeowner who used his deceased father’s gun. But not for murder, even by NY standards this shooting is 100% justified end of story.
If you shoot the burglar in the back of the head after they have ran away from your house into your neighbor’s you are likely to get charged, even in free America shooting fleeing felons is a no no.New York Man Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Armed Intruder
Real Estate
Actually that guy did have a permit (iirc) he just didnt have that handgun registered onto it, and even then the DA dismissed the unregistered gun charge
That guy's case had legs regardless of the DA's decision to dismiss. SCOTUS got something right way back when.
“No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore.” (Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105)
“If the State converts a right (liberty) into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right (liberty) with impunity.” (Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham, Alabama, 373 U.S. 262)
Oh I get all that just trying to put out all the facts as they were made available.
Since as you may be able to tell from the interaction, some members may not be able to understand actual fact from boomer/fudd myth
On this issue, I'm not surprised.
No tin foil here but I'd not be surprised to learn of some level of manipulation to be sure that any confusion or misunderstanding reagarding self defense/lethal force is never resolved. Better to be uninformed and dead?
New York Man Charged with Manslaughter for Killing Armed Intruder
Real Estate
Perhaps Holdover can start the thread?Can we please get a sticky entitled "how to use the quote function"?
Ok you win.. NY is a great state to own gun in and God forbid you ever need to use a gun in SD, the DA will just let it slide.. No civil suits, no grand jury indictments, you are free and clear..
I have read the law a million times and know exactly what it says.. Law as written means NOTHING in NY.. its at the whim of the local and state politicians.. You told me to read the law and i read it.. Multiple times.. Read the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.. Your rights to keep andbear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.. get it?.. Thats the law of the land.. Try taking a 15 round mag to the range when there's a few cops there, then get back to me on how you make out.. Law as it is written means NOTHING in NY state.. Its fluid and depends on the whim of state and local officials, DA's etc.. Been that way a long time... bob
Ok you win.. NY is a great state to own gun in and God forbid you ever need to use a gun in SD, the DA will just let it slide.. No civil suits, no grand jury indictments, you are free and clear..
I have read the law a million times and know exactly what it says.. Law as written means NOTHING in NY.. its at the whim of the local and state politicians.. You told me to read the law and i read it.. Multiple times.. Read the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.. Your rights to keep andbear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.. get it?.. Thats the law of the land.. Try taking a 15 round mag to the range when there's a few cops there, then get back to me on how you make out.. Law as it is written means NOTHING in NY state.. Its fluid and depends on the whim of state and local officials, DA's etc.. Been that way a long time... bob
.. Try taking a 15 round mag to the range when there's a few cops there, then get back to me on how you make out.. Law as it is written means NOTHING in NY state.. ,
I know you think all newspapers lie, but here's another example there are lots.. Yeah NY is a GREAT place to own a gun for protection..
Cohoes man charged in fatal shooting of home intruder
He's charged with endangering the welfare of a
Sorry, but all I see here is rose colored glasses.. NY and its neighbor NJ [which if anything is worse] are both well known for prosecuting or at least persecuting people that have lawfully used weapons [fists included] in self defense.
You all live in NY and perhaps are defending your home state but for those in free states, you are defending the indefensible.
NY routinely disregards federal law to enforce state ordinances.
I am no expert but like all of you have read and re read the laws, and stand by my statement that they are full of ambiguity.
Castle doctrine?.. Fine I can deal with that.. However its also duty to retreat.. Thats where the problems start.. Guy is in the garage, you see he has a gun and he's trying to jimmy the door open into the house.. You shoot him and go to jail .. He is NOT a threat to your life ...
yet... You COULD have gone out another door or window.. Castle Doctrine and Duty to Retreat alongside each other is a recipe for disaster.
If you start an argument in your own home and it escalates to violence, and you have to use a gun to defend your life, according to the NY state version of the Castle Doctrine, its YOUR fault as you started the situation.. The self defense laws in NY are clear as mud, and ARE routinely used against those that use deadly force by overzealous DA's and Prosecuting Attorneys.
If you are in a life or death struggle with a perp in your home, and in the melee' get a shot off that happens to hit him in the back as he lunges at you, how the hell do you prove he wasn't trying to run away??.. That sort of thing will be used against someone that has rightly defended himself with lethal force.. Think what you want, but in my opinion many jurisdictions in this state will side with the criminal in cases where lethal force us used... bob
What are you guys doing for entretaintment today other than this thread?
What are you guys doing for entretaintment today other than this thread?
There is nothing as reliable as the amish dishwasher.bought a new dishwasher.
came back here for more electrical advice![]()
Great. Yet another thread that divides people that should all be on the same side.
Maybe instead of insulting them you could explain it to them. Unless feeling superior to someone is more important.Lmao if you want someone who cant read something simple and understand it on your side well you can keep them
Maybe instead of insulting them you could explain it to them. Unless feeling superior to someone is more important.
Maybe instead of insulting them you could explain it to them. Unless feeling superior to someone is more important.