6.5 Creedmoor
Unfortunately that family's tragedy is being used for Political pandering
They knew exactly what they were doing the second they got into bed with Ben Crump.
Unfortunately that family's tragedy is being used for Political pandering
Yup. Sadly Pelosi would not stop at anything for a photo op. No shame, no ethics, no boundaries, no heart, no honor.Unfortunately that family's tragedy is being used for Political pandering
Think I mentioned this exact sentiment.I have really had it with all of this racism shit. Fucking tired of it.
Every aspect of the words that are being used. I am sick and tired of hearing the term racist and racism in every sentence and in every instance.
There is enough hate and prejudice to go around in all races, all creeds, all religions and all walks of life. No group is innocent. Get over it.
Maybe, just maybe, instead of everyone pointing the finger at others, maybe they should take responsibility for their own actions. Maybe they should stop blaming others for their failures. Maybe they ought to look in the fucking mirror and realize they are the GD problem Not others.
So many in this Country are failures. They are not failures because of others; no, they are failures because of their actions and their choices in life.
Prejudice exist for a reason, there are elements that feed this feeling. Maybe groups of people that are plagued with this prejudice should look at why these feeling exist in the first place. Are some of them self created? Hell yes. The actions of some people are not normal.
I say nearly all of the prejudices and the negative feelings towards others is due to the behaviors and the actions of the group in which these feelings are directed.
I can't see anyone drinking enough bleach in a shake to make them pass out without tasting something funny first.Cops in NYC have apparently been poisoned
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It’s true. My good buddy is the captain on scene. He is holding everyone in the place while they review every video camera. Time for blood on this one. He’s not a pussy cop. Whoever did it is fucked.
Thankfully it wasn’tthis should be premeditated murder correct
So it's just a coincidence? Extreme negligence is the cause not mal intent to harm?Yeah thankfully it appears to be a mistake and the cops were the first ones to buy shakes after it happened. Employee put the cleaning solution in and failed to finish cleaning the machine then a second employee filled it and started making shakes.
So it's just a coincidence? Extreme negligence is the cause not mal intent to harm?
Well golly gee then! good thing those food preparers weren't cops or it would be attempted murder, and everyone behind the counter at that point in time would be arrested to.So it's just a coincidence? Extreme negligence is the cause not mal intent to harm?
I hope so!It’s true. My good buddy is the captain on scene. He is holding everyone in the place while they review every video camera. Time for blood on this one. He’s not a pussy cop. Whoever did it is fucked.
So they say...Yeah thankfully it appears to be a mistake and the cops were the first ones to buy shakes after it happened. Employee put the cleaning solution in and failed to finish cleaning the machine then a second employee filled it and started making shakes.
Well, mistake or not, this is certainly going to put an idea in some heads.Looks like it. My friend seemed convinced that employee #1 was just an idiot and that its unprovable whether or not employee #2 knew the solution was still in there.
Bingo also there was no dead body per say but a viable pt. Life comes before evidenceThis is incorrect. @pjzwtl and I previously discussed some points from the video.
-There were not two officers getting out of the vehicle. The EMS crew appears to have been wearing soft body armor. Their uniform has been confirmed against other images.
-The dispatch information given to the ambulance crew did not adequately convey the urgency of the situation. The EMS crew appears to be either complacent or caught off guard.
-Once they realized the gravity of the situation, the loaded him and screwed, meeting FD enroute for assistance.
Based upon the video, the scene that was rapidly unfolding was simply not conducive to staying on scene and working him. From a crew safety perspective, a patient management perspective, and a scene management perspective, getting him the hell out of there as soon as possible was the best decision.
The assumptions made in that image are reckless at best. I'm not bagging on you @Dr. Evil. This whole thing is wearing at me.
I was on my way to an appointment with my PCP last week. I was in the car at noon when a local radio station played Faith Hill's rendition of the national anthem. I actually teared up. When I got into my appointment, the nurse who roomed me asked me the pro forma questions. "Any issues with depression recently?" I looked at her and said "Have you seen what's happening to my beloved country?" She understood.
Stop at Chaz on your way.A body is only dead if a doctor declares it so. We always take someone who can be revived possibly to a place where revival is much more possible.
I plan to visit this site on my cross country retirement celebration drive with my dad. I mean, this incident caused me to be able to retire so...