Handguns are absolute shit at stopping people, (excluding those super magnums and what not, focusing here on common semi autos)
They are a compromise, smaller enough to carry and use unlike a rifle, and in places like Law enforcement or some military applications, something to use to get you to your rifle if needed...
And while being a compromise many people want to compromise even more. Instead of following the old saying "carry the biggest gun you can", for some reason to many people now go with "carry the SMALLEST gun you can" .
You get less ammo, less ballistics (in an already ballisticly disadvantaged design) and in many cases a smaller round (.380/.32/.25)
Well looks like this dude was shot 22 times by a Glock 22 (shitty ass .40sw) and lived for 4 min.
Oh wow 4 min you might think, well that's not long. It is if they were trying to kill you, and even longer if you ran out of ammo after 5-8 rounds and are trying to reload, or dont even have a reload (spar mags are honestly more for malfunctions for self defense situations)
Officer Down: The Peter Soulis Incident - Law Officer
But hey keep you 1.5" barreled .45acp 5 shot gun that you keep in a pocket that you'll just fumble trying to pull out....
They are a compromise, smaller enough to carry and use unlike a rifle, and in places like Law enforcement or some military applications, something to use to get you to your rifle if needed...
And while being a compromise many people want to compromise even more. Instead of following the old saying "carry the biggest gun you can", for some reason to many people now go with "carry the SMALLEST gun you can" .
You get less ammo, less ballistics (in an already ballisticly disadvantaged design) and in many cases a smaller round (.380/.32/.25)
Well looks like this dude was shot 22 times by a Glock 22 (shitty ass .40sw) and lived for 4 min.
Oh wow 4 min you might think, well that's not long. It is if they were trying to kill you, and even longer if you ran out of ammo after 5-8 rounds and are trying to reload, or dont even have a reload (spar mags are honestly more for malfunctions for self defense situations)
Officer Down: The Peter Soulis Incident - Law Officer
But hey keep you 1.5" barreled .45acp 5 shot gun that you keep in a pocket that you'll just fumble trying to pull out....