I'd rather deal with a Thordsen and a clean 3.5 trigger.
My guess is $1800.
I figured just below 2k
I'd rather deal with a Thordsen and a clean 3.5 trigger.
Looks like it will work like a slam fire aka open bolt. But since the trigger initiates rearward travel from a closed bolt first instead of just releasing the bolt, it's not a true open bolt design. What I'm curious about is what the locking mechanism will be to keep the bolt from going rearward when the round fires. Probably something pretty simple at the rear that prevents the bolt from moving back while the trigger is pressed. For suppression this would be fantastic. It would be like shooting a can on a bolt action. It should make any can safe at the ear. I still think with the proprietary upper and lower though it will be so expensive that it won't even take off.Good point about it being a package deal, @gun_slinger_boy
Call it $2,795.
I'm curious to know how the action works. Charge it / chamber a round and it's SA / DA, the hammer is back on SA after you charge it? Is it DAO? I am mostly a DA / SA guy so don't know much about how DAO works.
Or they could completely fuck this whole deal up and use DAK.![]()
Colt pythons, or Performance center Smith's supposedly have awesome triggers even at 12lbs
I still think with the proprietary upper and lower though it will be so expensive that it won't even take off.
If they were smart, they would make it 950.00. They'd sell like hotcakes in NY, CT, CA, MD, and NJ.
@Upstate43 , This is innovation.
I think I’d like some hands on time with one of these. My Troy PAR could use a companion.
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I'd rather deal with a Thordsen and a clean 3.5 trigger.
Soon enough you nay not have that option.
@Robin good point; if you can tune a trigger on a DA pistol, why not on a DA rifle? At what I expect the price point on this thing to be, and what I hope is the company's interest in actually... selling some of these to someone, you'd think it would be a no brainer.
Fair point.
This would get around CA's "AWB" and crazy Feinstein's proposed bill that explicitly talks about using some of the expelled gas to cycle the rounds. Since this doesn't use the gas, it avoids that mess.
I'm not sure how that would work in NY since that part's not written out/defined.
I stand corrected. I didn't recall seeing it written into the crap act.
Well looks like it would be good to go then because in that definition it clearly states that the semi auto function needs to "utilize a portion of energy of a firing cartridge or shell to extract the fired cartridge". Which is the case for most any semi automatic definition that I've ever seen.
The representative showed in the shot show video I posted that the gun does NOT do that at all. Once a round is fired it stays in the chamber until you pull the trigger, then and only then, the shell manually ejects like a "bolt action". So Franklin did not overlook that key aspect.
They need to be mindful of the small demographic and keep the price worth it