.308 Win
There is no room in the military for individuals.
Individuality gets people killed in combat.
There is no room in the military for people with flat feet.
People with flat feet can make a mission fail.
People with one kidney 4F for the reason of the lack of if that kidney is damaged in combat, there is no backup.
The Armed Forces is not a democracy for crying out loud.
In fact it is a 100% Socialist organization. In socialism there are no "individual rights". The collective is all that matters. Just as in the military, the mission is all that matters. (part of the reason why GUN rights are hated by the left)
Am I allowed, in the military, to say, Aw Sarge II don't feel like attacking that hill today, I have menstrual cramps or today is my religions holiday, or I have decided that I don't like killing people on Thursdays.
I'm not saying that the LGBT's can't be good soldiers.
I am saying that just as an atheist can't resist letting you know over and over how he is an atheist, or a vegan can't have a conversation without letting you know they are vegan. The whole argument is phony propagated by special interest groups.
This is about being noticed and being an individual. It was an Obama thing to appease LGBT mafia and the Generals were against it then as well as now.
If a Tranny want's to be in the military then he should join the military and keep his preferred method of achieving orgasm to himself.
Individuality gets people killed in combat.
There is no room in the military for people with flat feet.
People with flat feet can make a mission fail.
People with one kidney 4F for the reason of the lack of if that kidney is damaged in combat, there is no backup.
The Armed Forces is not a democracy for crying out loud.
In fact it is a 100% Socialist organization. In socialism there are no "individual rights". The collective is all that matters. Just as in the military, the mission is all that matters. (part of the reason why GUN rights are hated by the left)
Am I allowed, in the military, to say, Aw Sarge II don't feel like attacking that hill today, I have menstrual cramps or today is my religions holiday, or I have decided that I don't like killing people on Thursdays.
I'm not saying that the LGBT's can't be good soldiers.
I am saying that just as an atheist can't resist letting you know over and over how he is an atheist, or a vegan can't have a conversation without letting you know they are vegan. The whole argument is phony propagated by special interest groups.
This is about being noticed and being an individual. It was an Obama thing to appease LGBT mafia and the Generals were against it then as well as now.
If a Tranny want's to be in the military then he should join the military and keep his preferred method of achieving orgasm to himself.