Close.The reality of this law is IF you are pumping gas in a restricted area (gas station with no sign ) A thug decides to car jack you ... Pull a gun and you will be charged with a felony He will walk and you will be in jail. If I am charged with a felony besides being in jail. I will lose my employment. .... Folks this law can destroy your life. The folks in Albany that voted for this will be peeing their pants with joy. Why did they empty out all the prisons.. to make room for gun owners and Trump supporters. I have said .. Someday one will commit a felony if you spit on the street.... Now you can commit a felony just by pumping gas folks. If that sign is not posted I believe you are breaking the law the second your car rolls onto the pavement. of the lot.
Correct me if I am wrong folks ....
Once enough of the "good guys" have left the business, that makes it much easier to decide who your enemies are.GD shame is what that is. For real. It is getting so bad, I am planning all of the escapes possible/
Gonna leave the job sooner than later. Taking a serious hit on my Pension due to the bullshit that I am witnessing....
So Aggravated Battery, Arson, Intimidation, Kidnapping, 2nd Degree Murder, and Threatening a public official are all no longer detainable offenses.Free Ride in Illinois coming ..
View attachment 172903
Illinois set to eliminate cash bail in 2023
Illinois is the first state in the country to abolish cash
Give them a break they are doing their best and probably haven’t gotten around to updating the website yet. They are too busy working with hochul on how to arrest you best.Clear as mud:
FAQ's there say that if permit was issued before 2020, you have to recertify by August 2023 in order to comply with the switch from the old 5yr to the new 3 yr process. It also says if there's any confusion to go to the "recertification status" link and see what it tells you.
My permit was issued 2014 and I recertified like a good little sheep in 2019. According to new FAQ, I have to recertifiy by August 2023 to stay compliant with the cunt's new rules. BUT......if I go to the "recertification status" link in the FAQ's and enter my information, it says I don't have to recertify until 2024.
So what is it NYSP?
Bunch a fucking idiots.......can't even get this shit right on their own website. After using their own "recertification status" on-line tool, I used the "print" function on the NYSP website and printed a date-stamped (09/11/2022) version of the "recertification status" page saying I don't have to recertify until 2024 just in case they want to get salty at some point in the future......I would suggest others do the same.
But those legal gun owners will be the cause of their increased criminal activity and they need to be punished. Order, we must have order.So Aggravated Battery, Arson, Intimidation, Kidnapping, 2nd Degree Murder, and Threatening a public official are all no longer detainable offenses.
If I were a politician in Illinois I would be VERY worried.
That is exactly what it means.Excuse my ignorance here but does this mean I can kid nap a kid and in the process of I kill the kid and it is not premeditated I will not be detained in jail??
But those legal gun owners will be the cause of their increased criminal activity and they need to be punished. Order, we must have order.
A zero tolerance policy on us and a zero tolerance policy on punishing criminals. Equal protection under the law doesn’t exist anymore.
Excuse my ignorance here but does this mean I can kid nap a kid and in the process of I kill the kid and it is not premeditated I will not be detained in jail??
More like they are too busy standing in line with their pants down waiting for hoculberry to take her turn on them.Give them a break they are doing their best and probably haven’t gotten around to updating the website yet. They are too busy working with hochul on how to arrest you best.
Albeit I agreed, he most likely won't terminated anything. Remember, ny dems have the super majority. Besides, and even though I would vote for him, he still comes across as a rino.your only hope, at this point, is Zeldon gets elected and terminates ALL this shit.
then there is no hope of this state. you'all are truly fucked at this pointAlbeit I agreed, he most likely won't terminated anything. Remember, ny dems have the super majority. Besides, and even though I would vote for him, he still comes across as a rino.
My former BIL is a retired NYSP LEO. I don't see him often, but when I do I intend to ask his if he would follow through without this.
I also remember in my unnecessary CC class the instructors was a former Sheriff ( retired). He took questions at the end. One was about being caught CC in a store (prior to the CCIA). He stated he would do what he could (then) to let it go, but if he filed a report, it would have to go before the issuing judge for determination, due the necessary report being written ( if the Karen who called you in insisted on it).
That hasn't aged well.
I'm doing the same. No more local purchases of ammo. I'll buy reloading supplies if it's cheaper than online. Otherwise no bueno.I won't buy a single round in NY again!
Fuck NY! Plain and simple!...
I realize ignorance of the law is not a defense but unless they send out letters to permit holders how is one suppose to know the expiration date they thought they had is in fact not the correct date?I read that as well. When I got the email back from the State Police, they added that I was good on my recert until 2027. Either their web site is wrong, or the email.
Exactly. No different than this past weekend for me with the individual that almost shit their pants when I told them they turned into an instant felon.I realize ignorance of the law is not a defense but unless they send out letters to permit holders how is one suppose to know the expiration date they thought they had is in fact not the correct date?
All part of the plan to revoke permits (and the right to a long gun) I suppose.
I'm surprised they haven't deemed a "well regulated militia" a gang.Since gangbangers appear to be above the law, why don't we just form a gang? Then we can ignore all this bullshit and continue business as usual thanks to the revolving door justice system in place.
Biden said we’re terrorists that hate democracy so??I'm surprised they haven't deemed a "well regulated militia" a gang.
This is my thought entirely! Thanks brother!You back the Blue that backs you.
If they do not have your back, do not have theirs.
I got your back!
Once enough of the "good guys" have left the business, that makes it much easier to decide who your enemies are.
Speaking of which, anyone hear from @airborne lately ?
Imagine if you mentioned Rowe in the same breath.....I bet the conversation would have been different..Son and girl friend were at the house yesterday, she is an engineer of some type, new gun law came up and when pressed she responded with " I don't care about guns so not her problem"; this is what is wrong in America. If it isn't impacting them personally at that moment, hold on my phone dinged, than it isn't, phone, a problem.
Next time you talk to him let him know we miss him here, but we're glad he got out in time.I text and talk to him every now and then
He's doing okay.