Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
Will you be wearing a mask around our President?
OK, then what statute can you be charged under if you carry in violation of the conditions in which you were issued a license under 400? If not 265, then I have no clue.Totally incorrect. Look up exemptions in 265. Anyone with a license is exempt from 265. Period. It may not be charged in any way shape or form. The license under 400 makes 265 moot.
To "have" and "possess" don't mean the same thing as you rightly point out. But by the same logic, to "have" and to "carry" also don't mean the same thing. And also by the same logic, to "carry concealed" and just to "carry" mean slightly different things.Well "to have" cannot just mean to own, because 400 2 A says so. It lists "to have" and "to possess" separately, therefore they do not mean the same thing.
You left out the first part of the law. The first part is "To have". The second part is additional. It says AND.... It allows for an additional permission which was historically outlawed (OC was not) and it was the dangerous type of carry.
Agreed.I'm not so concerned with one persons opinion. I am more concerned with what the DA, Judge, AG say. They are calling the shots.
I earlier said the ultimate would be to ask your own Judge and see what he says. He is the one that issued and can take away the license.
We have seen here where I posted court letters stating pistols may be carried open or concealed. The evidence keeps adding up that it is not illegal.
You can get charged with a misdemeanor from Penal Law 400 itself.OK, then what statute can you be charged under if you carry in violation of the conditions in which you were issued a license under 400? If not 265, then I have no clue.
Great to know!You can get charged with a misdemeanor from Penal Law 400 itself.
15. Any violation by any person of any provision of this section is a class A misdemeanor
17. Applicability of section. The provisions of article two hundred sixty-five of this chapter relating to illegal possession of a firearm, shall not apply to an offense which also constitutes a violation of this section by a person holding an otherwise valid license under the provisions of this section and such offense shall only be punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to this section. In addition, the provisions of such article two hundred sixty-five of this chapter shall not apply to the possession of a firearm in a place not authorized by law, by a person who holds an otherwise valid license or possession of a firearm by a person within a one year period after the stated expiration date of an otherwise valid license which has not been previously cancelled or revoked shall only be punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to this section.
It would be the same permissions just not limited to hunting or target shooting. It would be valid for any carrying. A full carry or unrestricted permit would not automatically trigger a new law requiring you to carry concealed. It exists nowhere in the law. The letter doesn't need to cite any laws because it is from the judge and the court. The judge does nit need to prove anything to you or back anything up. What he says goes and he issued the permit and he has the best understanding of it. He says OC is legal.That letter is interesting, but I wonder what the answer would have been for a license with "full carry". It also doesn't cite any laws.
You realize that my letter of issuance said that carry in bars where alcohol is served is illegal. I know you really aren’t that ________.It would be the same permissions just not limited to hunting or target shooting. It would be valid for any carrying. A full carry or unrestricted permit would not automatically trigger a new law requiring you to carry concealed. It exists nowhere in the law. The letter doesn't need to cite any laws because it is from the judge and the court. The judge does nit need to prove anything to you or back anything up. What he says goes and he issued the permit and he has the best understanding of it. He says OC is legal.
The problem is that the requirement to carry concealed does seem to explicitly exist somewhere in the law. The license (f) in question specifies to carry "concealed" while another statutory license (g) allows one to "carry" without the modifier "concealed". Based on the previous post, you seem to hinge the idea that the statute allows us to open carry based on the idea that to "have" implies carrying openly, but I don't see anything to back it up. To "have" doesn't mean to "possess" as you stated yourself. To "have" also doesn't mean to "carry concealed". Finally, why would they go through the effort to specify to "carry concealed" in every part of the statute but the one regarding antique weapons where the modifier "concealed" is not appended to the word "carry"? It could be an oversight, but I don't think that's a good assumption and that the distinction exists for a reason.A full carry or unrestricted permit would not automatically trigger a new law requiring you to carry concealed. It exists nowhere in the law.
You're reading 400(15) there. Read 400(17), which is the same section that you correctly had in your head when you told me that once licensed, 400 protects you from 265.Wow. Even the "violation of 400 is a misdemeanor" is not true as I read through it.
PL 400
Any violation by any person of any provision of this section is a
class A misdemeanor.
It then goes on to talk about unlawful disposal and registration. There is no link to any section of 400 2 (A-G). The two sections could not be further apart therefore "of this section" on it's face would not apply to anything other than the things I mentioned that are in the same area as the text "Any violation by any person of any provision of this section is a class A misdemeanor."
Because this is what was outlawed when the law was written. Everyone open carried except for criminals. This was the purpose of the law. It gave the additional permission to conceal. The law does not say to conceal only or must conceal. The permit under limitations or conditions or whatever its called on the back where it says no NYC carry does not say must conceal only. Why not? There are so many available places to say must conceal however it is silent on it.hy would they go through the effort to specify to "carry concealed
I did. whats your point? It just says you cannot be charged in 265 if you have 400. If you have a household permit you may not be charged with 265 if you leave your house with it but may be charged with A misd. It spells that out clearly.You're reading 400(15) there. Read 400(17), which is the same section that you correctly had in your head when you told me that once licensed, 400 protects you from 265.
Sure, and when the Second Amendment was written, it protected citizens from the government trying to restrict their ability to buy a ship and stick all the cannons he wanted on it. Try and buy a fully armed and functional cruiser today. The point is that in the wrong context, it won't matter what the history was, it's the hard words in print that will matter. The prosecutor will argue what I'm arguing, your defense attorney will argue what you're arguing, and a jury of your peers will determine whether you deserve to get smacked with a Class A Misdemeanor. It sucks, but that's the reality of living in a state where the state and some local governments are hell-bent on violating 2A rights – they can violate your rights if they get even the thinnest justifications.Because this is what was outlawed when the law was written. Everyone open carried except for criminals. This was the purpose of the law. It gave the additional permission to conceal. The law does not say to conceal only or must conceal. The permit under limitations or conditions or whatever its called on the back where it says no NYC carry does not say must conceal only. Why not? There are so many available places to say must conceal however it is silent on it.
The court paper says restricted permit and also open carry while going to the activities. It does not just say open carry to hunt. I am unrestricted. therefore on its face the same permissions would be granted to the full permit. There would not be more limitations of mode of carry for someone with the "higher' or better permit. it doesn't stand up to immediate scrutiny.
yes. same thing. "by a house owner" I believe it says. Pistol permit. Pistol license. All the same thing.household permit ?? did you mean premise permit ??
Exactly! The words "conceal only" or "open carry prohibited" exist nowhere. If it's not spelled out as illegal and defined it is's the hard words in print that will matter.
The law (400) provides nowhere for me or anyone else to be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor. That text only applies to a specific section as proven in previous post. It applies to disposal and registration violations.jury of your peers will determine whether you deserve to get smacked with a Class A Misdemeanor.
yes. same thing. "by a house owner" I believe it says. Pistol permit. Pistol license. All the same thing.
(a) have and possess in his dwelling by a householderi question because household could be taken as in the house only .. the other i can have it all over my 20 acres![]()
(a) have and possess in his dwelling by a householder
Man, have a good night. I have no intention to open carry. The discussion ran its course and I seriously doubt you plan to come down to Westchester and walk around Mamaroneck Ave in White Plains while open carrying until you find out what part of the statute they'll slap you with misdemeanor charges using. My bet would be on 400(17), but you already decided that the section definitely wouldn't apply. Maybe the assholes will charge you under 120(14) for brandishing. Maybe both as they throw charges at you to see what sticks. You'd probably even be right. Maybe, and this is a huge maybe, your lawyer convinces the jury of Karens and Kens and you win the case. You'll still have been put through the legal wringer.Exactly! The words "conceal only" or "open carry prohibited" exist nowhere. If it's not spelled out at illegal and defined it is legal.
The law (400) provides nowhere for me or anyone else to be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor. That text only applies to a specific section as proven in previous post. It applies to disposal and registration violations.
It's not what I decide. It's what's written in the text of law. Section 17 only states that a violation of 400 SHALL NOT constitute a violation of 265.My bet would be on 400(17), but you already decided that the section definitely wouldn't apply
"Brandishing" exists nowhere in NY law text.charge you under 120(14) for brandishing
I lived in Texas at one time. There they have something called a "BBQ Gun". People wear their nicest pistols (usually a 1911) to social gatherings and cookouts. What a great state that is.On occasion, I do exactly that; I strap on a really nice leather belt and I walk around with a beautiful 1911, my favorite type of gun.
I lived in Texas at one time. There they have something called a "BBQ Gun". People wear their nicest pistols (usually a 1911) to social gatherings and cookouts. What a great state that is.
I'm not coming at you with pride or feelings. I'd love for it to mean what you think it means. Based on the words and the words alone, which we've both read, I don't think that you won't get arrested and charged with a crime if open carrying in a gun-unfriendly NY jurisdiction.It's not what I decide. It's what's written in the text of law. Section 17 only states that a violation of 400 SHALL NOT constitute a violation of 265.
"Brandishing" exists nowhere in NY law text.
For menacing you need to intentionally place a person in reasonable fear for their life. That in no way can apply to a holstered gun with no threats made. If it could I could swear out a complaint of menacing on a police officer I saw walking down the street. The penal law does not exempt police from menacing charges. Therefore I could have any cop arrested and charged whenever I saw their gun.
You need to set pride and feelings aside and just deal with the written text of law.
You've resorted to making assumptions of what people who you do not know will do. You and everyone else for that matter has failed to cite the text that says open carry is illegal for Joe blow (except when hunting [LOL]) but legal for security and others. This is not how law works. It must be spelled out exactly. It isn't. What is not illegal is legal. This is the foundation of our laws. A cop cannot just decide he doesn't like something then charge you with a law that does not specifically have a provision defined for exactly what you were doing.I'm not coming at you with pride or feelings. I'd love for it to mean what you think it means. Based on the words and the words alone, which we've both read, I don't think that you won't get arrested and charged with a crime if open carrying in a gun-unfriendly NY jurisdiction.
Now, you can be wrongfully charged with a crime and found innocent. You can also be wrongfully charged with a crime and found guilty. Regardless of whether your legal interpretation is correct (and you seem to be as much of a lawyer as me, i.e. not one) in the wrong place, someone open carrying will have the cops called on them, the cops will arrest them, the prosecutor will level charges against them, and whether they go free or to jail will depend on how good their lawyer is and how sympathetic their jury is.
Implication of how it used to be and intent unfortunately have no meaning. It’sWhat’s actually written in the law. Years ago, they banned gravity knives. Those were knives that paratroopers carried that dropped from the handle and locked into an open position. Then years later, NY prosecutors charged and convicted people with regular locking folders because they can be opened via gravity and lock into an open position. Obviously that wasn’t the intent of the law but they applied it to regular locking folders anyway.Because this is what was outlawed when the law was written. Everyone open carried except for criminals. This was the purpose of the law. It gave the additional permission to conceal. The law does not say to conceal only or must conceal. The permit under limitations or conditions or whatever its called on the back where it says no NYC carry does not say must conceal only. Why not? There are so many available places to say must conceal however it is silent on it.
The court paper says restricted permit and also open carry while going to the activities. It does not just say open carry to hunt. I am unrestricted. therefore on its face the same permissions would be granted to the full permit. There would not be more limitations of mode of carry for someone with the "higher' or better permit. it doesn't stand up to immediate scrutiny.
Lots of things just are done. My buddy from the Marines after he got out got a regular job in construction. He also became a reserve police officer. He somehow managed to get onto a SWAT team as a reserve police officer. Probably knew someone. Anyway, Puff Daddy or P Diddy whatever that piece of shit was called back at the time hired him as security. He travelled all over the country with him as armed security with his firearm way before LEOSA was a thing. No cop in any state messed with him.Funny thing is, there is nothing written, that I can find, that allows Police officers to strap a gun on their hip open either. But, we all know coppers do just that, everyday they go to work.
Lots of things just are done. My buddy from the Marines after he got out got a regular job in construction. He also became a reserve police officer. He somehow managed to get onto a SWAT team as a reserve police officer. Probably knew someone. Anyway, Puff Daddy or P Diddy whatever that piece of shit was called back at the time hired him as security. He travelled all over the country with him as armed security with his firearm way before LEOSA was a thing. No cop in any state messed with him.
Much better things for them to do then jam up another cop making a living, a uniformed armed guard making a living, or a hunter open carrying to his blind.