I agree thats how it should be, so try it. Start open carrying and see if you get harassed. I seriously dont know.There is no extra section written anywhere that says open carry is allowed when working security. It is just done. There is no law saying OC when hunting is legal. It is done however. Also anyone can take the security classes. You don’t have to be hired by anyone first. You can get your “armed guard card” without being affiliated with anyone. All the class is is a test on A35 and qualifying with a target. You have to hit 70% of 250 shots at 25 yards.
We are also overlooking my points that jail guards and probation workers etc have the same wording in their license yet open carry. More evidence.
If the legislature wanted open carry to be illegal they would have put it in writing and into the law. They didn’t. They are silent on it. At the time of the CC law, open carry was the normal way for legal people to carry. CC was considered dangerous and that is what was regulated with this law.
If we forget everything we think we know and break down the wording it is simple. To have and to carry concealed. If you possess a gun in plain view you have it. If you cover it up on your person you are carrying it concealed. The word “and” grants an additional allowance. It is in addition to having. Otherwise is could just say to carry concealed as you obviously cannot carry something you do not have or own. It also could have said to only carry concealed. Or must be concealed. It does not however.
And, to become a security guard in NYS is more involved than what you posted.
Its multiple classes with X amount of hours and continued yearly training.
Im too lazy to go back and look but I believe you have to be hired by a company before you can get the certificate.
Maybe ill go look.