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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) warned Republicans on Thursday that they should worry about the “threshold that they are crossing” by supporting President Donald Trump’s expected declaration of a national emergency at the border because it could open the door to future Democrats in the White House declaring a national emergency on issues like gun control.
"You want to talk about a national emergency? Let’s talk about today—the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency,” Pelosi said, in reference to the one-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting. “Why don’t you declare that a national emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would.”
She emphasized that Republicans should “have some dismay about the door that they are opening, the threshold that they are crossing”
Pelosi Warns GOP: Dem POTUS Could Declare Emergency for Gun Control | Breitbart
Pelosi Warns That A Future Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency To Push Gun Control
"You want to talk about a national emergency? Let’s talk about today—the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency,” Pelosi said, in reference to the one-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting. “Why don’t you declare that a national emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would.”
She emphasized that Republicans should “have some dismay about the door that they are opening, the threshold that they are crossing”
Pelosi Warns GOP: Dem POTUS Could Declare Emergency for Gun Control | Breitbart
Pelosi Warns That A Future Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency To Push Gun Control