6.5 Creedmoor
School me on getting a non-resident Pennsylvania CCW permit, please. I understand it's pretty quick and easy. Are there any preferred counties or counties to stay away from?
I'll be spending time in Philly in November. Are there any additional, NYC-like laws that I have to be aware of? Any one stop shopping websites to research this?
I realize that there's a sticky about this in-process but it hasn't gotten to PA yet. I won't get butthurt if this eventually gets rolled into that sticky though.
I'll be spending time in Philly in November. Are there any additional, NYC-like laws that I have to be aware of? Any one stop shopping websites to research this?
I realize that there's a sticky about this in-process but it hasn't gotten to PA yet. I won't get butthurt if this eventually gets rolled into that sticky though.