.308 Win
As always, the government exercising people control and billing it as gun control. "Do something we don't like and not only will we throw you in jail but you can't vote, serve in the military, or own a gun."
My concern isn't about DUIs or non-violent felons... I'm with you there. My concern is with people who have violent felonies... YES they can get a gun on the street, but does that mean that the government should help them get the same gun? What's the point of any laws at that point? "No, you're not allowed to do that but since you're going to do it anyway here you go."
balancing the protection of everyone's rights gets dicey. The liberals take that conundrum and run away with it.
Hate to post this, but I will only cause drinking beer LOL. I was born with gun and bow in hand. Pic is 1969 I think. Later on in years I was pulled over by worst Sheriff I ever met in life who had rookie with him, on way home from Martial Arts class, He saw Nunchuckus between Corvette seats. He instantly turned to a Scared or freaked out PRICK... I told him I was a student and look behind seats is my Gi and other equipment, NO GO !!! Once handcuffed and in office I was shoved and told if I reached for them he would shove them up my ass or shoot, WTF? Had to get lawyer, go to court in Victor NY, for bunch of nonsense. Now on my record then!!!! Nicest guy ya ever met and now in court WTF? Now comes buying new gun from Creekside gun shop, NO GO !!!! I can tell you for a FACT it is hell getting cleared on paper work for years... I'm a wildman, but not some idiot felon dangerous scumbag.