6.5 Creedmoor
Hahaha, not poor Tony. Poor Larry... Let me know if you want the deal.
You don't happen to have any pics of the bore as it was received, before you went to work on it, do you?Poor Tony. He is caught in a gross scam as verified by bore pics BEFORE THE RIFLE WAS EVER FIRED BY ME and YET he continues to dodge and weave. A seller ON ANY GUN AUCTION SITE would be required to accept my return and refund my money. He took advantage of that loophole here to scam me. One wonders WHY if the rifle is SOOO great, he is not willing to take it back and resell it to one of his butt buddies here ? ANSWER ? Because everyone has seen it is a POS and would not pay more that the value of the action for it ! His claim that a normal post match cleaning would burn the bore up sound like something Feinstein or Schumer would say ! Tony is a scammer and a liar and nothing anyone can say will undo that !
Just in case you're too lazy to look back, here is the evidence again !
View attachment 34146 View attachment 34147 View attachment 34148 View attachment 34149 View attachment 34150 View attachment 34151
Hoppes No. 9 Benchrest cleaner does not cause cracking or blistering of steel as these pics would show anyone.
Yeah, he's dead fucktard so no, I'm not him.View attachment 34142 "Carlos Hathcock, BDinPutnam, GOYABEAN and 2 others like this"
Just an echo chamber. I knew Hathcock and you are no Hathcock. One can only guess where you were in 1965. Confident it was not in Da Nang !
These real Marines would kick your sorry ass into the next year !
"I knew Hathcock."
Wow how did I miss that little nugget?
What is with all the random democrat names this guy randomly throws out? It’s fucking strange.
He is Richard Head.
Once its for sale it changes from burned out to barely broken in.How much are you asking for the rifle with the burned out barrel?