.223 Rem
It's funny you posted this thread because I was pondering the identical question. I found a few nice carriers in ranger green that I think look really sharp but also considering if I should go mc or not.
Ranger green will probably not blend in as well in most environments but will probably attract slightly less attention.
I think ranger green is totally workable in ny. It will do a pretty decent job of blending locally.
I heard a theory the other day on mc. One channel I was watching the guy stated he and his crew have all gone full mc for gear and accessories his rationale is hypothetically if they're manning a road block into their neighborhood he thinks many normies will subconsciously assume they are military or police or sheriff's since that's the camo pattern and gear the average civilian thinks authorities wear. He is going mc not to blend in but for the recognition that goes with it.
If you were walking around in jeans, a hoodie and ranger green pc it would attract less attention.
This pc seems to be a similar configuration to the veritas and ferro
These type of gucci low profile slick pcs with configurable placards seem to be all the rage now
I agree with you both. There are plenty of ways to camouflage. Dress, behavior, and context all matter. As far as "grey man" goes, I guess it depends on your definition of that. I think of "gray man" as blending in specifically by appearing like an average, harmless, non-threatening, general-populace human being. I think of camouflage in the woods, or intentionally wearing the type of camo authorities wear to be different subcategories of the same thing. All of it is basically about not being effed with or noticed, but to compare it with animals, the way I see gray man is like how a zebra uses camouflage, camo pattern in the woods is like how a tiger uses camouflage, and manning a barricade in official-looking camo would be like how some non-venemous snakes have evolved to look like venemous ones.It depends entirely on your environment.
Camo is *designed* to be a gray man (in the woods). What's better than your enemies thinking you're not a threat ? Them thinking your part of the underbrush.
"gray man" *is* urban camouflage. Instead of blending in with rocks and trees, you are blending in with a mass of sheeple.
But, just get a baggy shirt and throw it over your plate carrier of choice in an urban environment. It won't stand close scrutiny, but if you're under close scrutiny neither will anything else with hard armor.