Lite Rack™ LCP® II in .22 LR
They will sell them by the millions... I will be picking one up as well, but plan on waiting until the prices come down.. MSRP is the same as the .380 model..
Only place that has any so far that I could find was Buds, and they want $318 w. credit, $308 cash.. In 6 months places will be selling them on sale for $250 or so.. Looks like ruger has come up with another winner.. Not an ideal SD gun, but if its easy to rack, a LOT of women and older folks like me will buy.. I had an LCP II and it was a great little gun, but man it was painful to shoot, even for a fair size guy like me... I ditched it for Kel tec P 32, which is a softer shooter..
Ruger has come up with some good ideas past few years, and they sell a LOT of them to guys that don't even need any more guns.... They seem to know what gun buyers will buy... bob