.450/400 Nitro Ex
First group shot out of a bergara B14 out of the box after sighted in...

I built a few of those. Building an AR in 308 costs about the same as building a bolt gun. I happen to like to have all modern actions available. I am an equal opportunity gun enthusiast. The nicest thing for me about bolt guns is lower round consumption with the same amount of range time.but this can all be done with an AR15....the upside is it is an auto loader
exactly. that is why "no bolt gun for eddie"
again, you can get the same results out of an AR15 (i realize you need an AR308 to shoot 6.5 creed)....with the added bonus it is an auto loader......
I built a few of those. Building an AR in 308 costs about the same as building a bolt gun. .
say what you will about Dicks Sporting Goods... but they run some very good sales on the Remington 700 ADL Varmint and Savage 11VT rifles.... I own both models and they are incredible heavy barrel rigs. With handloads, both were subMOA rifles.
Wait for a sale/rebate combo and you can get out the door for $400 or less
I would not get the savage II for $400 and instead a legendary savage 11/10 action for $430-$440 that comes with the
nikon scope in some XP models.
just because of the savage 10 you have huge aftermarket support for everything.
The nice thing about the axis is still shares the same barrels and bolt heads but the savage 10 packages are just
about the best out of the box deals one can get for a budget rifle on an action that is one of the most popular
actions in the world.